Kosrae State
11th KSL State Laws
S.L. No. L.B No. Title
S.L. No. 11-01
L.B. No. 11-12
To appropriate the sum of $3,000.00 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to subsidize the Fourth Pay Period for Fiscal Year 2015 for the Division of Land Administration under the Department and Economic Affairs; and for other purposes.
S.L. No. 11-02
L.B. No. 11-13
To appropriate the sum of $50,000.00 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding tourism development framework project in the state of Kosrae; and for other purposes.
S.L. No. 11-03
L.B. No. 11-01
To appropriate the sum of $8,050.00 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the 2015 inauguration ceremony; and for other purposes.
S.L. No. 11-04
L.B. No. 11-17
To appropriate $173,095, FAF, KST, to fund the project for Improvement of Educational Environment for Malem Elementary School.
S.L. No. 11-05
L.B. No. 11-14
To appropriate $3,500.00, FAF, KST, for the purpose of funding the Annual Local Close-Up Program to be held in Kosrae.
S.L. No. 11-06
L.B. No. 11-04
To appropriate $5,000.00, RF, KST, to provide payment for the settlement between Kosrae State Government and Mrs. Betsyrose.
S.L. No. 11-07
L.B. No. 11-18
To appropriate the sum of $18,000.00 from the revenue fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the personnel for the division of Land Administration under the department of Resources and Economic Affairs; and for other purposes.
S.L. No. 11-08
L.B. No. 11-19
To appropriate the sum of $1,000.00 from the revenue fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the activities of the 2015 Kosrae Cultural Day; and for other purposes.
S.L. No. 11-09
S.L. No. 11-10
L.B. No. 11-07, 1
To amend Title 10 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 10.205 thereof, to establish the Land Administration revolving fund.
S.L. No. 11-11
L.B. No. 11-20, 1
To appropriate. $1,500.00, FAF, KST, provide funding for the Kosrae State Priority Infrastructure Projects.
S.L. No. 11-12
L.B. No. 11-21
To appropriate $50,000.00 from the FAF, KST, purpose of funding certain projects and programs in the State of Kosrae.
S.L. No. 11-13
To appropriate $15,000.00 from the FAF, KST, to fund the activities of the 2015 Oral Health Workforce Activities Program.
S.L. No. 11-14
To appropriate $2,000.00 from the FAF, KST to fund the activities of the 2015 Kosrae Tobacco Control Program.
S.L. No. 11-15
To appropriate $200.00 from the FAF, KST to fund activities of the 2015 Kosrae Cultural Day.
S.L. No. 11-16
L.B. No. 11-26, 1
To appropriate $1,000.00 from the RF, KST, to subsidize the June 6, 2015 Commemoration in Malem Municipality.
S.L. No. 11-17
L.B. No. 11-25
To appropriate $4,000.00 from the FAF, KST to fund the activities of the 2015 Kosrae Community Health Intervention Program.
S.L. No. 11-18
L.B. No. 11-35
To appropriate $585.00, LRF, KST, funding the Junior Tennis Association participation on the 2015 NQT Tournament schedule for June 15-19, 2015 in Guam.
S.L. No. 11-19
To appropriate $692,067.00, FAAF, KST, to fund the Kosrae Community Health Center Program.
S.L. No. 11-20
To appropriate $1,190.00, FAF, KST, fund the activities of the 2015 Strategic Prevention Framework Partnership for Success (SPF-PFS) Program.
S.L. No. 11-21
To appropriate $8,000.00, FAF, KST, to fund the Activities of the Abstinence Education Program.
S.L. No. 11-22
To appropriate $1,520.00, FAF, KST, to fund the activities of the 2014 International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction/World Food Day.
S.L. No. 11-23
To appropriate $1,000.00 from the LRF, KST, funding the July 2015 Liberation celebration in Utwe Municipality.
S.L. No. 11-24
To amend Title 18, KSC, by amending Section 18.608 thereof, as amended by State Law Nos. 8-117 and 10-142, for the purpose of granting administration leave to all State Employees who volunteer to donate blood.
S.L. No. 11-25
To further Amend State Law No. 10-134 to De-appropriate $15,500 from the Personnel Budget Office of the Attorney General for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015.
S.L. No. 11-26
To appropriate $10,000.00, RF, KST, to fund 3rd and 4th Quarter payment per settlement between the State and Mrs. Betsy-Rose Mongkeya.
S.L. No. 11-27
To appropriate $5,780.00, RF, KST, to fund the 2015 Kosrae Referendum.
S.L. No. 11-28
To appropriate $1,000.00, RF, KST to subsidize the August 6, 2015 Commemoration in Tafunsak Municpality.
S.L. No. 11-29
To amend Section 2 of the State Law No. 11-11 to change the amounts allocated for the project titled “Tropical Water Facility and “TBD Projects” numbered at projects 2 and 9 respectively.
S.L. No. 11-30
To further Amend State Law No. 10-134 as amended by S.L Nos. 10-150 and 11-25 by amending the Title and Sections 3,4,5 and 6 thereof, to de-appropriate the sum of $10,320 previously appropriated to fund the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2015.
S.L. No. 11-31
To appropriate $5,320.00, RF, KST, fund the September 2015 Kosrae State Leadership Conference.
S.L. No. 11-32
To appropriate $5,000.00, RF, KST, providing funding assistance for the 2015 September 8th Liberations.
S.L. No. 11-33
Fiscal Year Budget 2016
S.L. No. 11-34
To appropriate $16,496.80, FAF, KST, to fund the procurement of the Tofol Central Landfill Weigh Scale.
S.L. No. 11-35
To amend Title and Section 1 of Kosrae State Law No. 11-03 to correct technical discrepancies, thereby adjusting appropriation amount from $8,050 to $9,650.
S.L. No. 11-36
To appropriate $5,000, FAF, KST, fund the Mangrove Sedimentation erosion table monitoring project.
S.L. No. 11-37
To amend Section 6.201of Title 6 of KSC and Section 11.604 and 11.605 of Title 11 of the KSC to implement the Constitutional mandate under Article XI, Section 9 of the Kosrae State Constitution prohibiting transfer of Land above the Japanese Line until and unless a procedure of transfer is established by Law.
S.L. No. 11-38
To appropriate the sum of $42,307.00 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the contract between the Micronesia Conservation Trust and Kosrae State Government/Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority; and for other purposes.
S.L. No. 11-39
To amend State Law No. 10-147, by amending Section 2 thereof, to change the use and or apportionment of the funds appropriated for the Tafunsak Municipality.
S.L. No. 11-40
To appropriate $3,160, FAF, KST, fund the Activities of the International Day for Disaster Reduction.
S.L. No. 11-41
To amend Title 7, KSC, by amending section 7.104 thereof, as amended by State Law No.10-149, allowing Price Control Commission Members to be compensated at rate set when attending commission meeting.
S.L. No. 11-42
To amend Title 12, KSC, by amending section 12.1602 thereof, to clarify the definition of the phrase “Enclosed Areas”.
S.L. No. 11-43
To further amend Section 2 of the State Law No. 11-11, as amended by State Law No. 11-29, to eliminate the projects titled “TBD” numbered at project 9 and to further allocate funds previously under TBD Projects to Specific Projects.
S.L. No. 11-44
To appropriate $2000.00, LRF, KST, purpose of providing meeting allowance for the Price Control Commission.
S.L. No. 11-45
To appropriate $900.00, LRF, KST, funding the Lelu General Election on November 3, 2015.
S.L. No. 11-46
To appropriate $719.50, RF, KST, providing funding assistance for the Special Election to be held in the Malem Municipal Government on November 3, 2015.
S.L. No. 11-47
To appropriate $1,500, LRF, KST, to provide funding for the Kosrae High School Basketball Team “Warriors” Participation in the Annual Varsity Basketball Tournament in Pohnpei on December 19-31, 2015.
S.L. No. 11-48
To appropriate $10,000 from LRF to Mrs. Betsyrose Mongkeya’s final payment.
S.L. No. 11-49
To amend S.L. No. 11-33, to allow Local Revenue to support Personnel cost defunded Non-Degree Teachers and Defunded Personnel in the State; Reconcile budgets approval in S.L. No. 11-33 with recently available amended Compact Grant Awards.
S.L. No. 11-50
To appropriate the sum of $7,182.00, KAF, KST, to fund 2015 “Books in School for Kids to read” Project.
S.L. No. 11-51
To appropriate $700.00, FAF, KST, to fund the Activities of the 2015 APIL.
S.L. No. 11-52
To amend Title 19, by adding a new chapter 10 for the purpose of establishing the research, access and benefit Sharing Act.
S.L. No. 11-53
To amend Title 11, by adding a new chapter 9 for the purpose of establishing the Kosrae Resource Royalty Act.
S.L. No. 11-54
To appropriate $90,473, FAF, KST, fund the activities of “the project renovation of baseball ground in Kosrae State”
S.L. No. 11-55
To further amend Title 2 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 2.901 therefor, to require the Legal Counsel, or Staff Attorney for the Kosrae State Court to meet the same qualifications prescribed by law for the State Lawyers.
S.L. No. 11-56
To appropriate $20,836, FAF, KST, to fund the Kosrae Youth Development Association (KYDA) Sub-Program of the 2016 Strategic Prevention Framework-Partnership for Success (SPF-PFS).
S.L. No. 11-57
To appropriate $7,497, FAF, KST, to fund the Medical Reserve Corp/Citizen Volunteer Corps (MRS/CVC) Project of the 2016 Strategic Prevention Framework-Partnership for Success (SPF-PFS)”.
S.L. No. 11-58
To appropriate $7,497, FAF, KST, to fund the Medical Reserve Corp/Citizen Volunteer Corps (MRS/CVC) Project of the 2016 Strategic Prevention Framework-Partnership for Success (SPF-PFS)”.
S.L. No. 11-59
To appropriate $4,572, FAF, KST to fund the Lelu Youth Association (LYA) Project of the 2016 Strategic Prevention Framework—Partnership for Success (SPF-PFS).
S.L. No. 11-60
To further amend Title 14 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 14.104 thereof, to amend the Port and Dock Fees.
S.L. No. 11-61
Supplemental Budget for FY 2016, amending S.L. 11-33 for the purpose of providing funding for the 3rd and 4th Quarter Operations of certain entities and to reimburse 1st and 2nd Quarter expending from the Defunded Programs.
S.L. No. 11-62
To amend Title 13 of the KSC, by amending Section 13.609 thereof, to expand the application of the Offense of insulting a Police Officer and to escalate the offense to category two misdemeanor.
S.L. No. 11-63
To amend Title 17 of the KSC, by inserting a new Section 17.106 to create a Roadblock Section and identify certain dates for Public Safety to carry-out Roadblocks in the State.
S.L. No. 11-64
To appropriate $96,940, FAF, KST, to fund the Procurement of Cesspit Truck.
S.L. No. 11-65
To further amend State Law No. 11-171, as amended by S.L. Nos. 12-04 and 12-22, to amend the Laps Date on certain Amended Compact funded program/project, namely the Department of Health Services, and the Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.
S.L. No. 11-66
To establish a Project Management Office (PMO) to monitor and manage the implementation of certain infrastructure projects, and for other purposes, by amending section 5.208 of the Kosrae State Code with insertion of a new sub-section (2).
S.L. No. 11-67
To appropriate the sum of $1,000, LRF, KST to provide funding for the purpose of contribution to the 2016 June 6th Memorial Holiday and related celebrations and festivities of Malem Community.
S.L. No. 11-68
To appropriate the sum of $3,500 from the LRF, KST, to contribute to the Lodging for Players and Coaches representing the State of Kosrae to the 2016 Micronesian Baseball Classic to be held in Saipan on June 24th to July 1st, 2016.
S.L. No. 11-69
To appropriate the sum of $1,000, LRF, KST, for the purpose of funding the July 20th celebration activities for the Utwe Municipality.
S.L. No. 11-70
To further amend Title 17, Chapter 2 at Sections 17.201, 17.204 and 17.207 thereof, to set the month of January as the month for Annual Vehicle Registration for the State of Kosrae.
S.L. No. 11-71
To amend State Law Nos. 8-46, 8-234, 8-17, 9-15, 9-63, 9-81, 9-140, 10-109, 10-113 and 110-143 by further amending Title 10 of the KSC at Section 10.205(1) thereof, to create a Revolving Fund of the Tobacco Coalition from funds collected from fees and fines from Tobacco related offenses in the State of Kosrae.
S.L. No. 11-72
To amend the Kosrae State Code by repealing Section 14.104(5) and Section 13.107 to chapter 1 of part 1 of Title 14 and by inserting new section 9.405 to chapter 4 of part 1 of title 9; and for other purposes.
S.L. No. 11-73
To amend Title 13, KSC Section 13.559 thereof, to restrict the Selling of Tobacco Products on “World No Tobacco Day” and to renumber subsequent sections accordingly.
S.L. No. 11-74
To further Amend Section 2 of the Kosrae State Law No. 11-11, as amended by S.L. No. 11-29 and S.L. No. 11-43, to eliminate certain projects therein and redirect funding to other projects.
S.L. No. 11-75
To appropriate $1,500,000, FAF, KST, to fund priority projects in the State.
S.L. No. 11-76
S.L. No. 11-77
To appropriate $91,163, United States Grant Fund of the Kosrae Sate Treasury to fund the Activities, Projects and/or operations of the Kosrae Historic Preservation Office for the year ending September 30, 2016.
S.L. No. 11-78
To amend State Law No. 11-61, Amending Section 11 thereof, to provide an additional lapse date for the operation funding for the project management office.
S.L. No. 11-79
To further amend Title 5, Chapter 5 at Section 5.501 thereof, to provide cabinet members possessing doctoral degree to receive an improved salary.
S.L. No. 11-80
L.B. No. 11-135
To appropriate $292,000 from the amended Compact Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the Kosrae State Hospital Temporary Facilities.
S.L. No. 11-81
To appropriate the sum of $7,074,184 from the amended Compact Fund, the sum of $1,932,549 from the SRF; the sum of $1,020, 755 from the United States Grant Fund; and the sum of $55,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Legislature for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2017, for the purpose of funding the operations of all branches of the Kosrae State government, its agencies, and various programs.
S.L. No. 11-82
To amend Title 13 of the KSC, by adding a new Section 13.560 for the purpose of prohibiting spitting of betel nut juice on public places and area surrounding such public places.
S.L. No. 11-83
To amend State Law No. 11-149, by amending Title 12 of the KSC at Section 12.1606 thereof, to prohibit smoking of tobacco products within 20 feet from entrances and exits to and from any public place and to renumber subsequent sections.
S.L. No. 11-84
To appropriate the sum of $4,500 from the Revenue Fund of the KST to contribute to the 2016 Liberation Day Celebrations in the four municipal governments in the State and off-island Kosraean Community (Guam)
S.L. No. 11-85
To Amend S.L. No. 11-75, to further identify State priority projects to be funded by the $1,500,000.00 from the FAF of the KST.
S.L. No. 11-86
To amend S.L. No. 11-33, as amended by S.L No. 11-49, 11-61, and 11-78, to extend the Lapse Date of the Agriculture Development Program funding and reapportioning of Foreign Assistance Funding for FY2016 defunded programs by amending at title, sections 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 8.
S.L. No. 11-87
To Appropriate the amount of $823,300.00 from the amended compact fund of the KST to fund FY 2017 compact prior-year/unallocated-funded projects.
S.L. No. 11-88
To Supplement State Law No. 11-81 at Section 2(18) to provide funding of $27,546 for the first two Quarters Budget for Personnel under the Division of Agriculture of the Department of Resources and Economic Affairs and to further correct the Title Section and Section1 of the State Law No. 11-81, to be consistent with this supplemental amendment.
S.L. No. 11-89
To appropriate the sum of $1,720 from the revenue fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the upcoming events in the Utwe Municipality; and for other purposes.
S.L. No. 11-90
To appropriate $2,500.00 from the LRF of the KST for the purpose of funding 2016 Kosrae State Games and assisting the municipalities’ preparation for the 2016 Kosrae state games.
S.L. No. 11-91
To Amend Title 13 of KSC, by amending section 13.703 thereof, by adding a new subsection (27) to prohibit minor passengers from standing, sitting or looking out of vehicles’ windows while the vehicle is in motion on the road.
S.L. No. 11-92
To repeal State Law No. 11-37, as amending Section 6.201 of Title 6 of the Kosrae State Code and Sections 11.604 and 11.605 of title 11 of the Kosrae State Code thereof, to lift the prohibition on transfer of Land above the Japanese Line.
S.L. No. 11-93
To appropriate the sum of $900,000, FAF, KST and apportioning such sum among the identified priority projects of the state.
S.L. No. 11-94
To amend SL No. 11-72 to appropriate the $685,000 Kosrae Community Health Center Program Grant (CHC) for the performance period ending May 31, 2017.
S.L. No. 11-95
To appropriate $15,000 from the United States Grant fund of the KST to fund the operations and activities of the FY17 oral health program.
S.L. No. 11-96
To further amend S.L. No. 11-75, as amended by State Law No. 11-85, to further consolidate certain projects and renumber the numbering of project listing; apportioning unallocated amounts Title “TBD” and for other purposes.
S.L. No. 11-97
To fund the project to improve the Kosrae International Airport Terminal arrival lobby, immigration and customs inspection areas, restrooms and baggage claim areas.
S.L. No. 11-98
To appropriate $100,000, FAF of KST to fund the activities of the Kosrae Agriculture Program; and other activities of the State.
S.L. No. 11-99
L.B. No. 11-161
To appropriate $2,500, RF, KST to provide funding for the 2017 International Women’s Day Celebration in the State of Kosrae.
S.L. No. 11-100
L.B. No. 11-163, 1
To further amend S.L No. 11-81, as amended by S.L. No. 11-88, by amending Section (2) (18) thereof, to de-appropriated sums, less de-appropriation, at title, and section 1; make further technical corrections.
S.L. No. 11-101
L.B. No. 11-160, 1
To appropriate $11,500 from the RF, KST to provide financial assistance to the Raymond Taro Flour Company and Wawa Chips Company.
S.L. No. 11-102
L.B. No. 11-88, 1
To further amend Title 2, by amending section 2.901(2)(b) thereof, to expand the period for a Lawyer to become admitted to practice before the supreme court of the Federated States of Micronesia from one year to three years.
S.L. No. 11-103
L.B. No. 11-75
To amend Title 13 of the KSC, by amending Section 13.703 thereof, by adding a new Subsection (23) to require School Bus Driver to park in the Middle of the Primary Road during discharging or receiving of students, and to renumber subsequent subsection.
S.L. No. 11-104
L.B. No. 11-117
To amend Title 10, Chapter 2, Section 10.205(1)(j), of the KSC, to repeal the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Fund and Correct Alphabetical order of the Section.
S.L. No. 11-105
L.B. No. 11-157
To further amend State Law No. 11-72 to appropriate the $725,000 Kosrae Community Health Center Program Grant (CHC) for the performance Period ending May 31, 2017.
S.L. No. 11-106
L.B. No. 11-173
To amend SL. No. 11-93 and insert certain projects apportioning unallocated amounts titled “TBD”;
S.L. No. 11-107
L.B. No. 11-166, 1
To appropriate $2,000, LRF, KST to contribute funding for awards of Goods to the 2017, June 6th Memorial Holiday and related celebrations and festivities of Malem Community.
S.L. No. 11-108
L.B. No. 11-176, 1
To appropriate $1,500.00 from RF, KST for the purpose of providing funding assistance for the 2017 July 20th Memorial Day Festivities to be held in the Municipality of Utwe.
S.L. No. 11-109
L.B. No. 11-177
To appropriate $2,808.65, RF, KST to fund the special election for Town Government.
S.L. No. 11-110
L.B. No. 11-179
To appropriate $650,000, FAF, KST for the purpose of funding the operations and activities of the Community Health Center (CHC) in the State of Kosrae.
S.L. No. 11-111
To appropriate $450,000, FAF, KST for the purpose of purchasing the Outstanding Shares and all Assets of the Kosrae Industrial Development CO(KIDCO).
S.L. No. 11-112
To appropriate $6,007,00, FAF, KST for the purpose of providing additional funding for the Kosrae Forest Legacy Project in the State of Kosrae.
S.L. No. 11-113
To amend SL. No. 11-93 as amended by S.L. No. 11-106, to be consistent with amendment reflected in P.L. No. 20-05.
S.L. No. 11-114
L.B. No. 11-174, 2
To further Amend SL.NO. 11-75, as amended by SL.NO. 11-85 and 11-96, to eliminate certain projects, reduce amount appropriated for certain projects and redirect funding to other projects; apportion unallocated amounts titled “TBD”.
S.L. No. 11-115
L.B. No. 11-151, 1
To further amend Title 7, Chapter 1 and Chapter 13 KSC to allow Kosrae Housing Authority to receive external Capital Contribution, to expand its revenue and to renumber duplicated numbering under Chapter 13.
S.L. No. 11-116
L.B. No. 11-53, 3
To amend Title 11 of the KSC, by adding a new Chapter 19 “Control of Plastic Wastes” to prohibit the use of Plastic Bags in the Sale or distribution of merchandise.
S.L. No. 11-117
L.B. No. 11-107, 3
To amend Title 10 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 10.205 thereof, to establish a protected areas fund for the purpose of financing the conservation and management of protected areas in the State of Kosrae.
S.L. No. 11-118
L.B. No. 11-169, 5
FY Budget 2018, to appropriate the sum of $10,447,942 from the Amended Compact Fund; the sum of $1,988,557 from the United States Grant Fund; and the sum of $55,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2018, for the purpose of funding the operations of all Branches of the Kosrae State Government, its Agencies, and various programs.
S.L. No. 11-119
L.B. No. 11-200
To further amend State Law No. 11-61, as amended by State Law No. 11-78, amending Section 11 thereof, to provide extension on the Lapse Date for the operation funding for the project management office.
S.L. No. 11-120
L.B. No. 11-193, 2
To amend State Law No. 11-75, as amended in S.L. Nos. 11-85, 11-96 and 11-114, to reduce the amount appropriated for certain projects and apportion unallocated amounts as “TBD”;
S.L. No. 11-121
L.B. No. 11-54, 2
To amend Title 12 and Title 13 of the KSC, by amending chapter 14 of Title 12 and Sections 13.516 and 13.517 of Title 13, as amended, to establish the requirement of a drinking permit for alcoholic drinks, a fee for its issuance and penalty of infraction of such requirement.
S.L. No. 11-122
L.B. No. 11-187
To amend Section 17.101 of Title 17, Chapter 1 of the KSC to include the designation, erection and maintenance of signs and marking for handicap parking spaces at all government premises and public facilities.
S.L. No. 11-123
L.B. No. 11-190
To further amend Title 18, Section 18.503 at Chapter 5 of the KSC by codifying compensation for panel members of Ad Hoc Committee hearing for the State Government.
S.L. No. 11-124
L.B. No. 11-203
To amend State Law No. 11-87, Title. Section 1, Section 2(b) and 3, to change the name, amount and performance period for the USPC Office Space Project.
S.L. No. 11-125
L.B. No. 11-192
To amend Section 7.606 of Title 7 of the KSC, to require equal representation of the four (4) Municipalities in the composition of the Kosrae Port Authority Board.
S.L. No. 11-126
L.B. No. 11-185
To appropriate the sum of $8,600 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of providing Funding Assistance for the 2021 Women’s Day Celebrations; and for other purposes.
S.L. No. 11-127
L.B. No. 11-197
To appropriate the sum of $5,000 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding a follow-up trip to Pohnpei State.
S.L. No. 11-128
L.B. No. 11-199
To appropriate the sum of $8,600 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of providing Funding Assistance for the 2021 Women’s Day Celebrations; and for other purposes.
S.L. No. 11-129
L.B. No. 11-196
To appropriate the sum of $5,0000 from the Revenue Fund of the KST for the purpose of providing financial assistance to the College of Micronesia-FSM, Kosrae Campus Fundraising efforts for its Endowment Fund.
S.L. No. 11-130
L.B. No. 11-204
To further amend State Law No. 11-72, as amended by State Law No. 11-94 to supplement the operations and activities of the Kosrae Community Health Center Program Grant(CHC) for the performance period ending May 31, 2018.
S.L. No. 11-131
L.B. No. 11-205
To appropriate $1,500, Fund of the KST to provide funding for the Special Election in the Municipality of Malem on November 10, 2017.
S.L. No. 11-132
L.B. No. 11-207
To appropriate $73,300, United States Fund of the KST, to fund the Office of Public Auditor.
S.L. No. 11-133
L.B. No. 11-211, 1
To appropriate $12,000, LRF, KST, provide funding for 2017 Kosrae State Trade Fair.
S.L. No. 11-134
L.B. No. 11-215
To amend State Law 11-118 at Title Section and Sections 11 and 12 to make changes to the Project Management Office (PMO) Budget for Fiscal Year 2018 as awarded by the JEMCO.
S.L. No. 11-135
L.B. No. 11-213
To appropriate the sum of $1,000, RF, KST to provide funding assistance for the Kosrae Island Veterans Association’s (KIVA) Festivities in celebration of Veterans Day on November 11, 2017 in Kosrae.
S.L. No. 11-136
L.B. No. 11-210
To appropriate $1,000, RF, KST, purpose of providing funding Assistance for the Special Election to be held in the Utwe Municipality on December 19, 2017.
S.L. No. 11-137
L.B. No. 11-208
To appropriate $75,000 from the FAF, KST, to provide funding for the Kosrae State Court Renovation Project.
S.L. No. 11-138
L.B. No. 11-201
Amend Section 13.630, Chapter 6 of the Kosrae State Code, by including Section 7.1705 thereto.
S.L. No. 11-139
L.B. No. 11-222, 2
To appropriate $2,000, RF, KST for the purpose of providing funding Assistance for the Charter Day of the Lelu Town Government and other Municipal Events to be recognized and celebrated in the Lelu Municipality in January of 2018.
S.L. No. 11-140
L.B. No. 11-140
To appropriate $116,000.00 from the Amended Compact fund of the KST to fund the Kosrae State FY18 US ARMY CORPS of Engineers (USACE)Program Management Support.
S.L. No. 11-141
L.B. No. 11-239
To appropriate $26,750,000, US Federal Grants of the KST to fund the operation of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services in the State of Kosrae.
S.L. No. 11-142
L.B. No. 11-221
To amend Section 17.301 of Title 17, Chapter 3 of the KSC thereof, to increase License Fee from six dollars to twelve dollars.
S.L. No. 11-143
L.B. No. 11-120
To further amend Title 14 of the KSC by amending Section 14.108 thereof, to provide that the State’s Share of the Port and Dock Fees be deposited into the State’s Revenue Fund.
S.L. No. 11-144
L.B. No. 11-233
To appropriate the amount of $18,000.00 from the United States Grant Fund of the KST to fund the Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority (KIRMA) Forest Legacy Administration.
S.L. No. 11-145
L.B. No. 11-225
To appropriate the amount of $565,000.00 from the United States Grant Fund of the KST to fund Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority (KIRMA) Forest Legacy Programs.
S.L. No. 11-146
L.B. No. 11-202
To further amend State Law No. 11-71, therefor to revert and deposit any funds subjected for the Tobacco Coalition Programs including and funds previously account, into the Tobacco Coalition Revolving fund account.
S.L. No. 11-147
L.B. No. 11-226
To further amend State Law No. 11-75, as amended in S.L. Nos. 11-85, 11-96, 11-114 and 11-120 to reduce and amount appropriated for certain project and supplement the capital building conference room extension amount.
S.L. No. 11-148
L.B. No. 11-234
To further amend Chapter 5 of title 13 of the Kosrae State Cade, as amended by Public Law No.5-58, by creating a new section 13.560.
S.L. No. 11-149
L.B. No. 11-237
To further amend Title 13, Section 13.703, by inserting a new subsection 13.703(260 to require all from seat passengers and operator of a motor vehicle being operated on a street or main road to wear a properly adjusted and fastened safety belt.
S.L. No. 11-150
L.B. No. 11-247
To appropriate the sum of $713,900, United States Grants Fund of the KSY to fund the operations and activities of the Kosrae Community Health Center for Budget Period June 1, 2018-May 31, 2019.