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10th Kosrae State Legislative Bills

L.B. No.  Title                                                                                                             

L.B. No. 10-01

To appropriate the sum of $50,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of providing an additional State capital contribution to the Pacific Island Development Bank (PIDB); and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-02

To amend Section 11.109(2)(c) of the Kosrae State Code to extend the time limit for the Legislature to act before lease of public land becomes effective without action by the Legislature; and for other purposes.


L.B. No. 10-03

To amend Title 11 of the Kosrae State Code by enacting a new Chapter 18 entitled "overhanging Trees Act" to provide a procedure for the protection of the public from the danger of coconuts falling from trees growing on private land that overhang the public roads of Kosrae; to amend Title 13 by enacting a new Section 13.559 and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-04

To appropriate the sum of $10,500.00 from the Local Revenue Funds of the Kosrae State Treasury to purchase fifteen desktop computer systems for the use of the Honorable Memvers of the Kosrae State Legislatures.

L.B. No. 10-05

To amend the Kosrae State code at Title 5, at Section 5.201 and Section 5.202, to restructure certain principal departments and functions thereof within the Executive Branch renaming and renumbering; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-06

To amend Kosrae State Code, Title 10, Chapter 2, by adding a new subsection 10.205(1)(n) by allowing a portion of the fees charged for the registration of vehicles, police record investigations, drivers licenses, state identification cards, learners permits and a portion of fines paid for traffic offenses to be retained by the Department of Public Safety for the purposes of equipment purchase and repair, and uniform/personnel equipment purchase, and training allowances; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-07

To amend Titles 1, 5, 7 and 11 of the Kosrae State Code to add new definitions and requirements relating to climate change and climate change adaptation measures; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-08

To amend the Kosrae State Code at Title 12, Section 12.1103, to provide for free medical services for disabled people who are enrolled in programs for the disabled administered by the Department of Health Services of the Department of Education; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-09

To amend State Law No. 9-143 at Section 4(d), to supplement the operation of the Legislature; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-10

To amend Section 9.202 of the Kosrae State Code to provide for sales taxes upon turkey tails and processed meat products such as tinned corned beef and spam; and to renumber following subsections; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-11

To amend Chapter 3 of Title 9 of the Kosrae State Code to impose a use tax upon motor vehicles registered for use on the public roads in Kosrae; and to amend Section 17.201 of the Kosrae State Code to require proof of payment of the use tax prior to the first registration of a vehicle for use on the public roads in Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-12

To amend subsection (1)(g) of Section 10.205 of the Kosrae State code to remove the authority of the Director of Health service to continually apropriate from the Health Care Fund without oversight from the Legislature; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-13

To amend Title 9, Section 9.2102, of the Kosrae State Code to raise the Airport Utilization Fee to twenty dollars ($20.00) and require that the additional five dollars be deposited in the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-14

To enact a new subsection 17 of Section 9.202 to provide for a tax on polystyrene and other manufactured foam products used as dishes, containers, plates and cups; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-15

To amend State Law 9-66, to further appropriate the additional sum of $14,155.96 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to supplement the operation of the USDA Rural Development, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-16

To re-structure certain state agencies and offices to eliminate governing boards and to have the managers report directly to the Office of the Governor or the Director of the appropriate department instead of to a board; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-17

To consolidate the authority of KIRMA under Title 19 of the Kosrae State Code by amending Titles 7, 9, 11, 13 and 19 of the Kosrae State Code, and by repealing certain parts of the Code; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-18

To amend the Chapter 2 of Title 10 of the Kosrae State Code by enacting a new Section 10.216 to require consultation with the Legislature before any State assets or receivables in a book amount or value in excess of $1,000.00 are written off or other wise determined to be irrecoverable for accounting purposes; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-19

To amend Section 9.501 of the Kosrae State Code to increase the maximum annual license fee that may charged by a municipality from $100 to $200; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-20

To amend title 16 of the Kosrae State Code by adding a new Part III to establish the Kosrae State Family Protection Act; and for other purpsoes.

L.B. No. 10-21

To amend Chapter 4 of Title 9 of the Kosrae State Code to enact a new Section 9.404 to require business owners and the Kosrae State Government to accurately identify the actual location of sales and transactions so as to ensure an accurate and equitable distribution of tax revenues to the municipalities; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-22

To appropriate the sum of $9,388,320 from the Amended Compact Fund; the sum of $1,906,766 from the State Revenue Fund; the sum of $2,369,264 from the United States Grant Fund; and the sum of $183,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the fiscal year ending September 30,2012, for the purpose of funding the operations of all branches of the Kosrae State Government, its agencies, and various programs; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-23

To appropriate the sum of $159,311 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding certain projects in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-24

To amend Title 10, Section 10.205 (1) (g) of the Kosrae State Code to require that fifty percent of all monies collected for the Health Care Fund oto be deposited into the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-25

To appropriate the sum of $2,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of donating funding for the Government of Japan through the Red Cross Society - Kosrae Chapter to assist the catastrophic effect from the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 11, 2011; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-26

To appropriate the sum of $1,000.00 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding June 2011 Celebration for Malem Municipal Government; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-27

To appropriate the sum of $2000.00 from the Local Revenue Funds of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund road repairs and improvements to the road between Finkol subsection to Sipyen subsection, Utwe Municipality.

L.B. No. 10-28

To amend Kosrae State Code Title 9, Section 9.301 to provide that the consumer payys the new amended rate of transaction tax at the time of the transaction; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-29

To appropriate the sum of $1,435.20 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the Kosraean under 15 years old teams to participate in the Eastern Basketball Tournament Division, from July 9-14 2011 in Pohnpei; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-30

To appropriate the sum of $1,099.50 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the Kosrae State Fair to be held at the Kosrae High School on July 15, 2011; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-31

To appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for Utwe and Tafunsak Municipalities in celebrating July 20 and August 6, of this year; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-32

To amend Title 2, Chapter 5, Section 2.2501 (1), of the Kosrae State Code to create two additional new public holidays and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-33

To further amend State Law No. 9-66 as amended by State Law 10-3, to appropriate additional sum of $465.31 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to supplement the operation of the USDA Rural Development; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-34

To appropriate the sum of $2,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for Utwe and Tafunsak Municipalities in celebrating July 20 and August 6, of this year; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-35

To appropriate the sum of $4,500 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the State Liberation Day celebration in each of the municipalities including Walung; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-36

To appropriate the sum of $11,718 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the operation of the Office of the Governor; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-37

To appropriate the sum of $10,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrea State Treasury for the purpose of funding Department of Education programs; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-38

To amend Title 5 of the Kosrae State Code to clarify the procedure for the appointment of Deputies for Law Enforcement by the Attorney General; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-39

To appropriate the sum of $39,000 from the State Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2011, for the purpose of supplementing the operation of certain offices of the Kosrae State Government; its agencies; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-40

To amend State Law 9-143, at Sections 2(1)(b)(d), (15)(c)(d), (17)(d); Section 4(d); and Section 10(a)(d), to supplement the operations of certain branches, agency of the Kosrae State Government for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2011; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-41

To appropriate the sum of $100,000.00 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the Kosrae State Gymnasium Project for the Kosrae State Government, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-42

To reinstate the requirement of possessing a valid drinking permit in order to purchase or consume alcohol beverages; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-43

To amend the Kosrae State Code by amending Section 10.208 to add an additional subsection prohibiting by law te inclusion of annual return airfares in employee contracts subject to specified exemptions; and for other purposes.

To insert a new Chapter 14 in Title 13 of the Kosrae State Code containing the "Anti People Smuggling and Trafficking Act" wnicn will include criminal penalties for smuggling people and trafficking in people via Kosrae State

L.B. No. 10-45

To appropriate the sum of $60,856 Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the former Micronesia Petroleum Corporation (MPC) Loan Repayment Program for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-46

To appropriate the sum of $2,682 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the Micronesian Chief Executive Summit; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-47

To appropriate funds from the general revenue fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for "representation funds; for the 10th Kosrae state Legislature, the Office of the Governor, and the Kosrae State Court for the 2012 fiscal year; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-48

To appropriate the sum of $7,078.00 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the operation of the USDA Rural Development Office; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-49

To appropriate the sum of $1,000.00 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide financial contribution and assistance for Kosrae State's participation iin the FSM Juniors Tennis Qualifying Event scheduled to be held in Pohnpei from December 19-22, 2011; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-50

To appropriate the sum of $1,500 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the cost incurred from the special election held in the Lelu Municipal Government on October 20, 2011; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-51

To appropriate the sum of $15,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the operation of the Kosrae Office of Micronesian Legal Services Corporation; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-52

To appropriate the sum of $2,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the Walung Youth Center renovation project; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-53

To appropriate the sum of $1,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to find the up-coming election scheduled to be held in the Malem Municipal Government on November of 2011; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-54

To appropriate the sum of $10,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the maintenance of the Kosrae circumferential road; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-55

To amend the Kosrae State Code, at Section 11.109(2) (c), to extend the time limit for the Legislature to act before lease of public land becomes effective; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-56

To appropriate the sum of$5,647.19 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the operation of the USDA Rural Development Office; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-57

To appropriate the sum of $31,261 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding improvement of the Kosrae Broadcasting Authority (KBA) facility in Tofol, Kosrae State and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-58

To amend Kosrae State Law No. 10-14 at Sections 6 and 15 to reapportion funds previously appropriated to fund salary of an Associate Justice of the Kosrae State Court; to increase maximum personnel level; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-59

To appropriate funds from the general revenue fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for "representation funds" for the 10th Kosrae State Legislature, the Office of the Governor, and the Kosrae State Court for the 2012 fiscadl year; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-60

To amend Chapter 2 of Title 9 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 9.2101 thereof, as amended by SL Nos. 7-1 and 9-154, and Section 9.2102, as amended by SL Nos. 5-59, 6-146 and 8-87, for the purposes of transferring the collection of the Airport Utilization Fee to the Kosrae Port Authority and increasing the Airport Utilization Fee; by adding a new Section 9.2013 for the purpose of distributing the Airport Utilization Fee collected, a new Section 9.2104 to designate the account into which the fee is deposited, and a new Section 9.2105 to provide retroactive effect to the provisions of Section 9.2102; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-61

To amend Section 17.204 of Title 17 of the Kosrae State Code, as amended by SL No. 9-17 for the purpose of increasing the vehicle registration fees; and for purposes.

L.B. No. 10-62

To amend Title 9 of the Kosrae State code by amending Section 9.201 thereof, as amended by SL Nos. 7-49 and 9-29,l for the purpose of changing the name of the tax therein and applying the tax to both imported and locally produced goods; by amending Section 9.202, as amended by SL No. 9-29, for the purpose of making technical changes; by adding a new section 9.204 thereto, for the purpose of assessing, levying, and collecting a new general sales tax; by amending Section 9.301 for the purpose of increasing transaction taxes on certain activities; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-63

To further amend Title 14 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 14.104 thereof, as amended, to establish new port an dock fees and increase existing rates; and to add new sections 14.105, 14.106, 14.107 and 14.108 to improve the services of the Kosrae Port Authority; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-64

To amend Title 11 of the Kosrae State Code, as amended, by adding a new Chapter 9 for the purpose of enacting a new Resource Royalty Act; by adding a new Chapter 19 for the purpose of enacting a new Researcher's Registrations Act; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-65

To amend Title 15 of the Kosrae State Code, as amended by SL Nos. 7-1 for the purposes of clarifying the Legislature's policy with respect to employment of noncitizens; creating and requiring the payment of a noncitizen employee's employment registration fee; requiring a noncitizen employee to train resident employees, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-66

To amend Title 18 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Chapter 6 thereof, as amended by SL Nos. 6-132, 6-160, 7-47, 7-184, 7-210 and 8-117, to add a new Section 18.609 for the purpose of regulating transportation expenses of noncitizen employees of Kosrae State; by amending Chapter 8, as amended by SL Nos. 9-48, for the purpose of establishing a new Reduction in Force Assistance Program; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-67

To further amend Title 9.202 of the Kosrae State Code regarding the sales tax imposed on certain items imported into and sold within the State and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-68

To amend Title 5, Section 5.206 of the Kosrae State Code, by changing the requirement for the submission of a progress report to the Legislature from a monthly basis to a quarterly basis; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-69

To prohibit the selling of any kind of "junk food: such as salty potato chips, chocolate bars and ramen noodles within 100 feet from all public schools within the State; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-70

To amend the Kosrae State Code, at Title 7, Section 7.1402, to reduce the four years term of the Kosrae State Board members to the SEMO-Micronesia, Inc. Board of Directors; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-71

To amend Title 2, Chapter 5, Section 2.501(1) of the Kosrae State Code to create an additional public holiday; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-72

To amend Title 9 of the Kosrae State Code; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-73

To amend Title 9 of the Kosrae State Code by adding a new Chapter 2 thereto imposing the Value Added Tax; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-74

To appropriate the sum of $5,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the Kosrae Forest Legacy Program for the Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority in the State of Kosrae, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-75

To appropriate the sum of $2,716 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the Kosrae Close-Up Program under the Department of Education in the State of Kosrae, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-76

To appropriate the sum of $10,178,130 from the Amended Compact Fund; the sum of $1,966,253 from the State Revenue Fund; the sum of $910,547 from the United States Grant Fund; and the sum of $198,730 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, for the purpose of funding the operations of all branches of the Kosrae State Government, its agencies, and various programs; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-77

To appropriate the sum of $5,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the USDA Rural Development Contract Employees in the State of Kosrae, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-78

To appropriate the sum of $7,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for 7 delegates from Kosrae State to participate in the upcoming 25th Guam Micronesia Island Fair; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-79

To appropriate the sum of $1,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the 2012 June 6th Exodus Day festivities in the Municipality of Malem; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-80

To amend the Kosrae State Code at Title 12, Section 12.1103 to include eligibility for the provision of limited free medical services to those persons suffering from mental health issues and/or mental illnesses; to allow persons who have been diagnosed with "Special Needs" or disabled over 21 years of age to continue receiving free medical services subject to an additional assessment; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-81

To amend Title 10 of the Kosrae State Code by enacting a new chapter 8 entitled the "Debt Limitation Act" to limit by law the amount of money which Kosrae State may borrow subject to exceptions; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-82

To appropriate the sum of $100,000 from the General Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of providing an additional capital contribution to the Pacific Islands Development Bank in the amount of $100,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30,2012; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-83

To appropriate the sum of $1,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the 2012 July celebration in the Utwe Municipality; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-84

To appropriate the sum of $5,000 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the Kosrae Women Association travel needs; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-85

To appropriate the sum of $5,000 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the operation of the USDA Rural Development Office; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-86

To appropriate the sum of $700 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the Kosrae Nursing Association to host the 34th American Pacific Nursing Leaders Council Annual Conference.

L.B. No. 10-87

To appropriate the sum of $700 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for hosting the July 2012 FSM Law Day debate.

L.B. No. 10-88

To amend Title 17 "Land and Environment" Chapter 16 "Wildlife" of the Kosrae State Code by adding a new section entitled the "Shark Protection Act" prohibiting commercial fishing within Kosraean waters of sharks and dolphins, to create mandatory exclusion zones for the  protection of whales in Kosraean waters, to protect sharks, whales, dolphins and stingrays from harm; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-89

To amend State Law No. 10-14, at Sections 1 and 2 (1), (16), and (17), and Sections 3 and Section 4(c) to supplement the operation of the Governor's Office, Attorney General's Office, the Department of Administration and Finance, and the Operation of the Legislature; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-90

To appropriate the sum of $120,490 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the Agriculture Development Project in the State of Kosrae, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-91

To amend Title 9, Section 9.202 of the Kosrae State Code regarding the rates of sales tax imposed in products imported into and sold within the State; and to further amend Title 9 of the Kosrae State Code to create a new Chapter 24; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-92

To amend Title 16, at Section 16.401(4) of the Kosrae State Code to require that a copy of Certificate of Live Birth be given to the mother, the father or another member of the child's family without any cost; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-93

To amend the Kosrae State Code at Title 19 by inserting specific references for and intended to protect the Utwe Biosphere Reserve so that it may receive the protection of current laws contained in the State Code; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-94

To appropriate the sum of $505,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding certain projects for the Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority in the State of Kosrae, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-95

To amend the Kosrae State Code by creating the new offences of prostitution, controlling prostitution for gain, and purchasing sexual services, in Title 13; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-96

To amend Title 9, at Section 9.2101 (1) of the Kosrae State Code to remove certain passenger with exception of paying airport utilization fee and renumber subsection (1)(f) to (1)(e); and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-97

To appropriate the sum of $10,000 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding to subsidize municipal projects and programs.

L.B. No. 10-98

To appropriate the sum of $5,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the maintenance of the farm roads by the Malem Church going to the Malem water dam; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-99

To amend the Kosrae State Code at Section 9.202 to increase the sales tax on cigarettes, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-100

To amend the Kosrae State Code at Section 13.410 to increase the penalty for receipt of stolen goods to the same level as the penalty as embezzlement i.e. a category one misdemeanor; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-101

To appropriate the sum of $5,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the Kosrae State Fair scheduled for September 21-22, 2012; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-102

To amend Title 7, at Sections 7.606 and 7.608 of the Kosrae State Code to remove the "ex-officio" member of the Port Authority and provide that four of the Directors are appointed representing the Municipalities and a member represents the State Government; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-103

To amend State Law No. 10-40 at Section 1 to provide supplemental funding for the operation of the USDA Rural Development Office in Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-104

To appropriate the sum of $40,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for RS1 through RS5 road improvement project in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-105

To appropriate the sum of $2,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for Kosrae High School basketball team to the Varsity Basketball Tournament to be held in Pohnpei on December 2012; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-106

To amend Title 18 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Chapter 6 thereof, as amended by SL Nos. 6-132, 6-160, 7-40, 7-47, 7-184, 7-210 and 8-117, to add a new Section 18.609 for the purpose of regulating transportation expenses of noncitizen employees of Kosrae State; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-107

To amend Title 18 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Chapter 8, as amended by SL No. 9-48, for the purpose of establishing a new Reduction in Force Assistance Program; and for other purposes

L.B. No. 10-108

To appropriate the sum of $11,389 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the purchase of a weighing bridge; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-109

To appropriate the sum of $2,000 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding Kosrae's participation to the Councils of the Pacific Islands Traditional Leadership (CPITL) Conference, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-110

To appropriate the sum of $1,600 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding school supplies and materials for the Utwe Elementary School in the State of Kosrae, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-111

To appropriate the sum of $37,300 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the MPC Loan Repayment with the FSM Development Bank in the State of Kosrae, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-112

To appropriate the sum of $25,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the State's membership contribution to the Pacific Island Development Bank; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-113

To appropriate the sum of $4,500 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the operation of the USDA Rural Development Office to the State of Kosrae, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-114

To appropriate the sum of $6,310.48 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the special election anticipated to fill the vacancy in the State Legislature; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-115

To appropriate the sum of $25,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose  of funding the additional capital contributions to the Pacific Islands Development Bank (PIDB) in the State of Kosrae, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-116

To amend State Law 10-46, at Section 2(1)(c) to supplement the operation of the Office of the Governor for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-117

To appropriate the sum of $11,398 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the purchase of a weighing bridge, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-118

To appropriate the sum of $5,000 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the employment contract for Ms. Hetty J. Palik in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

.L.B. No. 10-119

To appropriate the sum of $15,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the day to day operations of the office of Micronesian Legal Services corporation; and for other purposes

L.B. No. 10-120

To appropriate the sum of $1,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the Kosrae Students attending the COM-FSM Campus for the COM-FSM Endowment Fund and the COM-FSM Cultural Exhibition; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-121

To amend Title 13 of the Kosrae state Code, as amended, by adding a new Chapter 8 to establish the Anti-Human Trafficking and People Smuggling Act of 2013, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-122

To appropriate the sum of $10,200 to supplement the operational funds of the Office of the Attorney General for the fiscal year ending September 2013, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-123

To appropriate the sum of $1,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the Kosrae Students attending the COM-FSM Campus for the COM-FSM Cultural Exhibition; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-124

To amend Title 9, at Section 9.301 of the Kosrae State Code to include certain transaction activities currently not specify in the code; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-125

To appropriate the sum of $3,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the renovations of the three (3) Hamlets meeting halls in the municipality of Tafunsak; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-126

To amend the Kosrae State Code at Title 7, Section 7.704 (2)(h) to amend the requirement for a report to the Governor and Legislature from an annual basis to a quarterly basis and to require the Education Advisory Board to appear, in person before the Legislature to present that report; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-127

To amend the Kosrae State Code at title 7, Section 7.804 (1)(g) to require the Health Advisory Board to appear, in person, before the Legislature to present the quarterly progress report as mandated in this section; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-128

To appropriate the sum of $700.00 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the funding of the Mayoral run-off election in the Malem Municipal Government; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-129

To appropriate the sum of $7,800 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the maintenance of Road Sections 1, 2, 2(a), 2(b), and 5 in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-130

To appropriate the sum of $14,154.40 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the purchase of a glass bottle pulverizer; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-131

To appropriate the sum of $5,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for WECARE Referral Program; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-132

To amend Title 10 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 10.205(g) thereof, for purpose to allow the Health Care Fund to be used to pay salaries and benefits of employees when the payments will be reimbursed by the Federated States of Micronesia National Government; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-133

To amend Title 7 of the Kosrae State Code by updating the regulatory authority and operations at the Kosrae Port Authority, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-134

To appropriate the sum of $9,939,571 from the Amended Compact Fund; the sum of $1,882,160 from the State Revenue Fund; the sum of $1,040,732 from the United State Grant Fund; and the sum of $206,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, for the purpose of funding the operations of all branches of the Kosrae State Government, the agencies, and various programs; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-135

To amend State Law No. 7-174 by appropriating the sum of $315,000 for the purpose of establishing the Shrew Jonas-Gifford Scholarship Fund and any interest accrued thereto for the purposes of funding the Shrew Jonas-Gifford Scholarship Fund and supplement the Kosrae Special Education Programs budget and for other purposes

L.B. No. 10-136

To amend State Law No. 6-155 by appropriating the sum of $5,000.00 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the personnel of Kosrae State Special Education programs and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-137

To appropriate the amount of $2,400.00 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of contributing to the funding of the Kosrae Junior Tennis fundraising; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-138

To appropriate the sum of $10,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the Weight Watch Program for the Kosraean Women Association; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-139

To appropriate the sum of $1,360 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the overtime hours incurred by the KIRMA, DREA, and KCSO personnel conducting the assessment survey of grounding incident on SLC No. 712 and Quing Yu No. 010, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-140

To further amend Section 10.205 of Title 10 of the Kosrae State Code, as amended by S.L. Nos. 8-17, 8-46, 8-234, 9-15, 9-63, 9-81, 9-140 and 10-66, to allow the Health Care fund to pay the salary and benefits of Kosrae State Employees under US Federal Programs, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-141

To further amend Section 4.203 of Title 4 of the Kosrae State Code, as amended by S.L. Nos. 4-10 and 4-15, to require the Legislature to consider any nomination submitted by the Governor within sixty days; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-142

To appropriate the sum of $7,860 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for development projects in Lelu Municipality; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-143

To further amend Section 10.205 of Title 10 of the Kosrae State Code, as amended by S.L. Nos. 8-46, 8-234, 8-17, 9-15, 9-63, 9-81, 9-140 and 10-66, by repealing subsection (c) in its entirely and re-alphabetizing subsections of Section 10.205 to reflect new sequence; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-144

To further amend Section 4.301 of Title 4 of the Kosrae State Code, as amended by S.L. Nos. 3-104, 5-198, 6-132, 7-247, and 9-26, to reduce the Senators' salary at fifteen percent (15%), and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-145

To amend Title 12 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 12.1604 thereof, to prohibit smoking in private vehicles when a passenger is a minor, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-146

To further amend Section 5.202 of Title 5 of the Kosrae State Code, as amended by S.L. Nos. 6-1, 6-131, 6-168, 7-1, 7-62, 7-99, 8-58, 9-15, 9-96, 9-104, 10-1 and 10-2, to transfer certain duties of the Department of Resources and Economic Affairs to the Division of Finance under the Department of Administration and Finance and to re-alphabetize sequence of subsections of Section 5.202; and for ddother purposes.

L.B. No. 10-147

To further amend Section 10.205 of Title 10 of the Kosrae State Code, as amended by S.L. Nos. 8-17, 8-46, 8-234, 9-15, 9-63, 9-81, 9-140 and 10-66, to allow the Health Care fund to pay the salary and benefits of Kosrae State Employees under US Federal Programs, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-148

To appropriate the sum of $2,500 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the reconstruction of graveyard site for the Kosraean Community in Pohnpei, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-149

To amend Chapter 6 of Title 7 of the Kosrae State Code, as amended, by amending Sections 7.602, 7.603, 7.606, 7.608, 7.609, and 7.614 thereof, to repeal Sections 7.611 and 7.615 in their entirety and to renumber Sections 7.612 to 7.617, for purpose of updating and improving the regulatory authority and operations at the Kosrae Port Authority, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-150

To appropriate the sum of $25,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the Kosrae Port Authority to purchase parts and to pay repair service on the Striker ARFF Trucks; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-151

To amend State Law No. 10-46 at Section 11 and Section 12 (1) to delete the amount earmarked for the State Retirement Pension Program; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-152

To appropriate the sum of $25,000 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of purchasing fire-truck parts and equipment for the Kosrae Airport in the State of Kosrae, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-153

To appropriate the sum of $10,177,824 from the Amended Compact Fund; the sum of $1,944,570 from the State Revenue Fund; the sum of $926,259 from the United States Grant Fund; and the sum of $183,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, for the purpose of funding the operations of all branches of the Kosrae State Government, its agencies, and various programs; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-154

To appropriate the sum of $1,200 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund honorarium of twenty presentation/workshops delivered during the June 11-14 2013 Annual Education Conference and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-155

To appropriate the sum of $2,400.00 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of contributing to the funding of the Kosrae Junior Tennis fundraising; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-156

To further amend Section 10.205 of Title 10 of the Kosrae State Code, as amended by S.L. Nos. 8-17, 8-46, 8-234, 9-15, 9-63, 9-81, 9-140, and 10-66, to expand the use of the Health Care Fund to support the referral program of the State; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-157

To further amend Section 18.608 of Title 18 of the Kosrae State code, as amended, to allow donation of sick leave to employees with serious illness and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-158

To appropriate the sum of $80,700 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the project for procuring of Medical Waste Incinerator for the Kosrae State Hospital in the State of Kosrae, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-159

To appropriate the sum of $7,000.00 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of providing funding for Liberation Day celebration of the four municipalities; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-160

To appropriate the sum of $2,381.00 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the Tofol Landfill Leachate Circulation Project; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-161

To appropriate the sum of $3,635 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the Kosrae Close-Up Program in the State of Kosrae, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-162

To appropriate the sum of $7,800 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund public projects in Malem Municipality and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-163

To further amend title 7, by amending Section 7.1206 thereof, as amended, to restructure the composition of the KUA Board of Directors to improve their functions and services and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-164

To amend Title 2 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 2.501 thereof, as amended, to include a Kosrae Youth Development Day as part of the legal Holidays in Kosrae and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-165

To further amend Title 7 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 7.102 thereof and creating a new Chapter 17 to establish the Price Control Commission and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-166

To amend Title 15 of the Kosrae State Code to add a new chapter 7 thereof for the purpose of enacting a weights and measures law; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-167

To authorize the sum of $172,629 from the Old Compact 1 fund to be used for identified and allowable prior year expenditure incurred under the General Fund of the Kosrae State, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-168

To appropriate the sum of $29,833 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding certain project/programs in the State of Kosrae, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-169

To amend the Kosrae State Code, by amending Title 5 thereof, as amended by S.L. Nos. 7-91, 9-15, and 9-81; by amending Title 7, as amended by 9-81; and by amending Title 10, as amended by S.L. Nos. 8-46, 8-170, 8-234, 9-15, 9-63, and 9-81, for the purpose of restructuring the Kosrae Housing Renovation Program; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-170

To appropriate the sum of $245,925 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding certain public projects and social programs in the State of Kosrae, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-171

To further amend Title 7, as amended, by amending Section 7.102 thereof and adding a new Chapter 9 to create a Tradition and Culture Board and to renumber the existing Chapters 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and sections thereof to reflect numbering sequence of the new Chapters; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-172

To appropriate the sum of $800.00 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of providing funding for the Special Election in Utwe Municipal Government scheduled for the second week of October 2013; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-173

To appropriate the sum of $388,635 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the Road Upgrading Project from Utwe to Walung in the State of Kosrae, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-174

To appropriate the sum of $2,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the 18th Pacific Basin Medical Association Annual Conference in Kosrae and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-175

To appropriate the sum of $6,471.00 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the special election in Tafunsak Municipality; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-176

To appropriate the sum of $10,000 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the first two quarters of the out-of-court settlement between the Kosrae State Government, its Department of Health Services and Ms. Betsyrose Mongkeya as per the medical case file against the Department of Health Services in the State of Kosrae, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-177

To appropriate the sum of $6,800 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the court judgement against Kosrae State Government and its Department of Education to Mr. Eterny Edwin and Mr. Aliksa Sigrah in the State of Kosrae, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-178

To amend S.L. No. 10-90, at Section 4 to decrease the Legislature's Standing Committee contingency fund and to identify such fund as representation fund for the member of the Legislature, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-179

To amend Title 10 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 10.205 thereof, to establish the Land Administration Revolving Fund and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-180

To appropriate the amount of $1,000.00 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of contributing to the Kosrae Junior Tennis fundraising and as a token of support for their participation in the FSM Junior Tennis Championship Tournament to be held in Pohnpei from December 30, 2013 to January 2, 2014; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-181

To amend S.L. No. 10-91, at Section 4 to decrease the Legislature's Standing Committee contingency fund and to identify such fund as representation fund for the members of the Legislature; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-182

To amend Title 13 of the Kosrae State Code by adding a new Section 13.558 to prohibit the advertisement of tobacco products, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-183

To appropriate the sum of $56,925 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding certain health projects and programs in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-184

To amend Title 5, by amending Section 5.501 thereof, to improve the salary of cabinet members providing professional services, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-185

To amend Sections 1 and 2 of State Law No. 10-91 to appropriate $23,763 of supplemental funding for fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-186

To appropriate the sum of $1,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund special election in Tafunsak Municipality and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-187

To appropriate the sum of $48,536 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding certain projects and programs in the State of Kosrae, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-188

To amend Title 6 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 6.1202 thereof, to strengthen the qualification for Judges or Justices of the  Kosrae State Judiciary and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-189

To amend Title 18 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 18.608(6) thereof, to restrict the use of administrative leaves for public purposes and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-190

To further amend Section 1, 2 and 9 of State Law 10-91 to appropriate the sum of $6,200 of supplemental funding from the State Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-191

To appropriate the sum of $2,811 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for Lelu Town Government special election; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-192

To appropriate the sum of $3,500 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the Kosrae State Fair of March 2014, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-193

To appropriate the sum of $28,000.00 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of supplementing the operation funds of the Office of the Public Auditor for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-194


L.B. No. 10-195

To amend Title 9 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 9.21112 thereof, to make the effective date of the Value Added Tax Act of 2012 contingent upon the commencement of tax administration by te FSM Unified Revenue Authority and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-196

To amend Title 12 of the Kosrae State Code, by adding a new Chapter 4, to name the Kosrae State High School in honor of the late Aaron K. Sigrah and for dother purposes.

L.B. No. 10-197

To amend Title 14 of the Kosrae State Code, by adding a new Section 14.100, to name the Kosrae State Airport in honor of the late King John Sigrah and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-198

To amend the Kosrae State Code by amending Title 19 "Environmental Protection and Management" and removing those provisions of Title 19 Chapter 3 "Fishing and Marine Wildlife" which are the primary responsibility of the Department of Resources and Economic Affairs' Division of Fisheries and Marine Resources; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-199

To amend the Kosrae State Code by reorganizing Title 19 Chapter 3 "Fishing and Marine Wildlife" and creating a new Title 21 "Fisheries Management" to provide a clear separation of the responsibilities between the Department of Resources and Economic Affairs and Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority in relation to the conservation, management and development of marine resources in the State waters of Kosrae, an for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-200

To appropriate the sum of $3,500.00 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the annual Local Close-Up Program to be held in Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-201

To appropriate the sum of $7,800 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund public projects in Tafunsak Municipality and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-202

To amend Title 18 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 18.608 thereof, to allow compensation of unused annual leave for permanent employees after retirement and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-203

To amend Title 13 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 13.557 thereof, to prohibit the the sale of cigarette pack containing less than 20 cigarettes and the sale of electronic cigarette, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-204

To further amend Section 1, 2(18), 9, and 10(3) of State Law No. 10-91, to appropriate the sum of $6,200 supplementing operations of the Division of Land Administration under the Department of Resources and Economic Affairs and the Parole Board for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-205

To appropriate the sum of $9,836,753 from the Amended Compact Fund; the sum of $2,084,003 from the State General Fund; the sum of $1,037,406 from the United States Grant Fund; and the sum of $183,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, for the purpose of funding the operations of all branches of the Kosrae State Government its agencies, and various programs; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-206

To appropriate the sum of $51,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding certain projects and programs in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-207

To appropriate the sum of $278,700 from the Amended Compact Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding certain projects in the State of Kosrae, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-208

To appropriate the amount of $1,000 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury in order to provide funding assistance for the 2014 June 6th Memorial Day celebrations to be held in the Municipality of Malem; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-209

To appropriate the sum of $100,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the Kosrae State participation in the 2014 Micro Games in the State of Pohnpei; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-210


L.B. No. 10-211

To appropriate the sum of $50,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the Kosrae Day Care Center in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-212

To appropriate the sum of $1,500 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the May 12-13, 2014 Kosrae High School track and Field event and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-213

To appropriate the sum of $1,500 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of providing funding for the July 20th celebration in Utwe Municipality; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-214

To appropriate the sum of $8,000 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the General Election in the State of Kosrae, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-215

To further amend Section 10.205 of Title 10 of the Kosrae State Code, as amended by S.L. Nos. 8-17, 8-46, 8-234, 9-15, 9-63, 9-81, 9-140, and 10-66, to extend the use of the Health Care fund to be used for medical referral, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-216

To appropriate the sum of $92,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding certain projects and programs for KIRMA in the State of Kosrae, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-217

To appropriate the sum of $196,516 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding certain projects and programs in the State of Kosrae, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-218

To appropriate the sum of $5,000 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the Kosrae State participants in the 2014 Micro Games in the State of Pohnpei, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-219

To appropriate the amount of $96,516.00 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding certain projects and programs in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-220

To appropriate the sum of $3,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the Charter Commission of Malem Municipal Government and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-221

To appropriate the sum of $5,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the third quarter of the out-of-court settlement between the Kosrae State Government, its Department of Health services and Ms. Betsyrose Mongkeya as per the medical case file against the Department of Health Services in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-222

To amend Title 13 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 13.516 thereof, to make controlled facility or controlled area an exception to the establishment of a bar nearby a residence or public road; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-223

To appropriate the amount of $5,500 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of providing funding for the Division of Survey and Mapping under the Department of Resources and Economic Affairs for the first month of the 4th quarter for FY 2014; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-224

To further amend State Law 10-91, as ame3nded by S.L. No. 10-102 and 10-108, by amending the Title, Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9 thereof, to de-appropriate the sum of $49,580 previously appropriated to fund the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014; and for other  purposes.

L.B. No. 10-225

To amend Title 9 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 9.2102 thereof, as amended, to increase the Airport Utilization Fee and to allocate the use of the increase amount of Kosrae Airport Rescue and Fire Fighter Service and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-226

To appropriate the amount of $14,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of providing representation fund for the Kosrae State Legislature, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-227

To amend Title 3 of the Kosrae State code, by amending Section 3.1104 thereof, as amended, to specify the date for the General Election of Kosrae State and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-228

To further amend State Law 10-91 to appropriate the sum of $26,365 to supplement the operation of the Executive and Legislative Branch from the Locdal Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-229

To appropriate the sum of $131,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding KIRMA's certain projects and programs in the State of Kosrae, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-230

To amend Title 7 of the Kosrae State Code, by adding a new Section 7.1004 to establish the Sports Council Revolving Fund and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-231

To appropriate the sum of $12,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the Municipal Governments' celebration of the Kosrae State Liberation Day and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-232

To amend Title 10 of the Kosrae State Code, by repealing Section 10.501 in its entirety and renumbering Section 10.502 to 10.501 for the purpose of removing the authorization for disbursement of national funds granted to Kosrae State without legislative approval

L.B. No. 10-233

To amend State Law No. 10-69 by extending the lapse to date to allow full disbursement of the grant fund; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-234

To amend Title 13 of the Kosrae State Code, by adding a new Section 13.560 for the purpose of prohibiting spitting of betel nut juice upon public places and areas surrounding such public places and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-235

To amend Title 13 of the Kosrae State Code by amending Section 13.703 (17)(e) thereof, to lengthen the applicable distance from which a motor vehicle may park within the placement of a fire hydrant or an area so designated, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-236

To amend Title 13 of the Kosrae State Code by amending Section 13.703 (21) thereof, to eliminate the exception of an additional passenger regardless their age; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-237

To appropriate the amount of $2,000.00 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the Utwe Municipal Government general election scheduled for November 4, 2014; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-238

To amend certain sections of Title 13 to ensure there is correct reference to Title 19 offense provisions; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-239

To appropriate the sum of $5,271 from the Foreign Assistant Fund to subsidize the operation and activities of the four Municipal Governments of Kosrae State and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-240

To appropriate the sum of $7,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund 2014 State General Election and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-241

To further amend Title 7, Section 7.1206 of the Kosrae State Code as added by State Law no. 5-38 and amended by State Law No. 9-15, thereof, to modify the composition of the Kosrae Utility Authority Board; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-242

To appropriate the sum of $15,000.00 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the day to day operations of the Micronesian Legal Services Corporation (MLSC); and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-243

To appropriate the sum of $25,000.00 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of providing an additional State capital contribution to the Pacific Island Development Bank (PIDB); and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-244

To appropriate the sum of $10,550.00 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of providing funding assistance for the 2014 Women's Conference; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-245

To appropriate the sum of $1,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the 2014 General Election in Malem Municipality and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-246

To appropriate the sum of$5,271 from the Foreign Assistant Fund to subsidize the community sports development of the four Municipal Governments of Kosrae State and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-247

To appropriate the sum of $10,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund payment of first and second quarters of FY2015 for the settlement between Kosrae State Government and Mrs. Betsy-Rose Mongkeya and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-248

To amend State Law No. 10-134 to de-appropriate $5,000.00 included in the Attorney General's personnel budget for fiscal ear ending September 30, 2015; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-249

To appropriate the sum of $30,000.00 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the Utwe-Walung Circumferential Road; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-250

To appropriate the sum of $14,000.00 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the upcoming Special or Run-Off Election; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-251

To further amend Section 13.516(9) of Title 13 of the Kosrae State Code, as amended by S.L. Nos. 8-22 and 10-135, to improve restrictions requirements for controlled facilities and to reduce the distance limitation for establishment of a controlled facility proximate to school and church buildings, and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-252

To appropriate the sum of $760,686 from the Amended Compact Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding certain projects in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 10-253


L.B. No. 10-254

To appropriate the sum of $9,675.00 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the Inauguration of 2015 Administration of the Kosrae State Government; and for other purposes.

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