Kosrae State
11th Kosrae State Legislative Bills
L.B. No. Title
L.B. No. 11-01
To appropriate the sum of $27,250 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the 2015 Inaugural Ceremony; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-02
To further amend Title 9 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 9.202 thereof, to amend the sale tax for certain goods and to add new Section 9.204 to expand scope of sales tax on tobacco products.
L.B. No. 11-03
To further amend Title 9 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 9.201 thereof, to require payment of sales tax to be made after actual sale of a taxable goods; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-04
To appropriate the amount of $5,000 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide payment for the settlement between Kosrae State Government and Mrs. Betsy-Rose Mongkeya; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-05
To further amend Title 3 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 3.1108 thereof, for the purpose to make it mandatory that a voter cast vote for the required number of Senators representing an electoral district or municipality; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-06
To amend Title 18 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Chapter 8, as amended by S.L. No. 9-48, for the purpose of establishing a new Reduction in Force Assistance Program; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-07
To amend Title 10 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 10.205 thereof, to establish the Land Administration Fund; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-08
To appropriate the amount of $25,000 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of contributing funds to the Pacific Island Development Bank (PIDB); and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-09
To amend Title 17 of the Kosrae State Code by amending Section 17.204 thereof, to increase the vehicle registration fees; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-10
To further amend Title 18 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 18.408 thereof, to require public service employees to retire at the age of sixty (60); and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-11
To further amend Title 17 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 17.305 thereof, to require a fee for written examination for driver license; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-12
To appropriate the sum of $3,000 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to subsidize the fourth pay period of fiscal year 2015 for the Division of Land Administration under the Department of Resources and Economic Affairs; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-13
To appropriate the sum of $50,000 from the FSM Congress fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding Tourism Development Framework project in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-14
To appropriate the amount of $3,500 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the annual Close-Up Program to be held in Kosrae; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-15
To appropriate the amount of $22,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the 2015 Inaugural ceremony, recently held on February 12, 2015; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-16
To amend Title 7 of the Kosrae State Code at Section 7.102 and add a new Chapter 9 to create a new governing board to be called the Tradition and Culture Board and to renumber the existing Chapters 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and Sections of each Chapters to reflect numbering sequence of the new Chapters; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-17
To appropriate the sum of $173,095 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the project for Improvement of Education Enviornment for Malem Elementary School; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-18
To appropriate the sum of $3,000 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to subsidize the fifth pay period of fiscal year 2015 for the Division of Land Administration under the Department of Resources and Economic Affairs; and for other.
L.B. No. 11-19
To appropriate the sum of $1,000 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the activities of the 2015 Kosrae Cultural Day; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-20
To appropriate the sum of $1,500,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the Kosrae Priority Infrastructure Projects; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-21
To appropriate the sum of $50,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding certain projects and programs in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-22
To appropriate the sum of $15,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the activities of the 2015 Oral Health Workforce Activities Program; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-23
To appropriate the sum of $200 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the activities of the 2015 Kosrae Cultural Day; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-24
To appropriate the sum of $2,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the activities of the 2015 Kosrae Tobacco Control Program; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-25
To appropriate the sum of $4,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the activities of the Kosrae Community Health Intervention Program; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-26
To appropriate the sum of $2,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to subsidize the June 6, 2015 Commemoration in Malem Municipality; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-27
To appropriate the sum of $51,190.00 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the activities of the 2015 Strategic Prevention Framework Partership For Success (SPF-PFS) Program; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-28
To appropriate the sum of $10,216,452 from the Amended Compact Fund; the sum of $1,835,250 from the State Revenue Fund; the sum of $1,029,364 from the United States Grant Fund; and the sum of $50,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, for all branches of the Kosrae State Government, its agencies and various programs; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-29
To amend Title 5 of the Kosrae State Code, be amending Section 5.501 thereof, as amended by State Law Nos. 5-198, 6-132, 7-190, 7-247, 9-26 and 10-112, for the purpose to specify that the annual salary of a Director of a Department shall be established in the annual budget law for Kosrae State Government; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-30
To appropriate the sum of $2,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the July 2015 Liberation Celebration in the Utwe Municipality; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-31
To appropriate the sum of $500 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of supplementing the funding for the students who will be attending the Japan Exchange Program in June and July of this year; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-32
To appropriate the sum of $692,067 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the Kosrae Community Health Center Program.
L.B. No. 11-33
To appropriate the sum of $8,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the activities of the Abstinence Education Program.
L.B. No. 11-34
To appropriate the sum of $1,520 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the activities of the 2015 International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction/World Food Day; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-35
To appropriate the sum of $585.00 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the Junior Tennis Association participation in the 2015 NQT Tournament scheduled for June 15-1 19, in Guam; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-36
To amend Title 18 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 18.608 thereof, as amended by State Law Nos. 8-117 and 10-142, for the purpose of granting administrative leave to all state employees who volunteer to donate blood; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-37
To appropriate the sum of $10,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund 3rd and 4th Quarter payments per settlement agreement between the State and Ms. Besty-Rose Mongkeya; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-38
To amend Kosrae State Law No. 11-09 at title and Section 1 thereof to correct technical discrepancies, thereby adjusting appropriation amount from $22,000 to $20,000; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-39
To appropriate and amount of $16,496.80 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the procurment of the Tofol Central Landfill Weigh Scale.
L.B. No. 11-40
To amend title and Section 1 of Kosrae State Law No. 11-03 to correct technical discrepancies, thereby adjusting appropriation amount from $8,050 to $8,650; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-41
To further amend State Law No. 10-134 to de-approriate $15,500 from the personnel budget of Office of the Attorney General for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-42
To appropriate $6,500 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the 2015 Kosrae Referendum.
L.B. No. 11-43
To appropriate an amount of $5,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the Mangrove Sedimentation Erosion Table Monitoring Project; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-44
To amend Title 9 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 9.201 thereof, to enlarge the time sellers pays tax on goods arrived in the State from 60 days to 90 days; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-45
To appropriate the amount of $2,810.00 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the two staff from the Public Auditors to attend the APIPA Conference scheduled for the first week of August 2015 in Guam, and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-46
Establishing the Fourth Kosrae State Constitutional Convention; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-47
To amend Section 2 of Kosrae State Law No. 11-11 to change the amounts allocated for the projects titled "Tropical Water Facility" and "TBD Projects" numbered at projects 2 and 9, respectively; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-48
To appropriate the sum of $999.30 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to subsidize the August 6, 2015 commemoration in Tafunsak Municipality; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-49
To appropriate the sum of $25,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the 4th Kosrae Constitutional Convention; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-50
To amend Section 6.201 of Title 6 of the Kosrae State Code and Sections 11.604 and 11.605 of Title 11 of the Kosrae State Code to implement the constitutional mandate under Article XI, Section 9 of the Kosrae State Constitution prohibiting transfer of land above the Japanese line until and unless a procedure of transfer is established by law; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-51
To further amend Title 9 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 9.201 thereof, as amended, to provide a sales tax free for the duration of one year to newly established businesses in Kosrae; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-52
To further amend Section 2.501 of Title 2 of the Kosrae State Code, as amended by State Law Nos. 4-32, 7-27 and 7-241, by amending the municipal days of June 6, July 20, August 6 and January 18, as new legal holidays to be observed by Kosrae State Government; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-53
To amend Title 11 of the Kosrae State Code, by adding a new Chapter 19, entitled "Control of Plastic Wastes" to prohibit the use of plastic bags in the sale or distribution of merchandise; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-54
To amend Title 12 and Title 13 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Chapter 14 of Title 12 and Sections 13.516 and 13.517 of Title 13, as amended, to establish the requirement of a drinking permit for alcholic drinks, a fee for its issuance and penalty of infraction of such requirement; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-55
To repeal Chapter 1 entitled "Kosrae State Revenue Administrtion Act of 2011" and Chapter 2 entitled "Value Added Tax Act of 2012" of Title 9 of the Kosrae State Code due to the repealed of the FSM Unified Revenue Authority by FSM Congress; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-56
To amend Title 2 of the Kosrae State Code, by adding a new Chapter 10 to regulate the use of government vehicles; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-57
To amend Title 12 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 12.1602 thereof, to clarify the defination of the phrase "enclosed areas"; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-58
To amend Title 2 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 2.901 thereof, to improve legal practice and provision of legal services in Kosrae State; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-59
To amend Title 10 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 10.205 thereof, as amended, to establish an Environmental Management and Restoration Revolving Fund and a Protected Areas Revolving Fund to finance the enforcement and adminstration of enviornmental laws and regulation and the conservation and management of protected areas respectively; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-60
To amend Title 5 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 5.501 thereof, as amended by State Law Nos. 5-198, 6-132, 7-247, 9-26 and 10-112, for the purpose to improve compensation of cabinet members who have attained Doctor of Philosophy degree; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-61
To appropriate the sum of $5,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of providing funding assistance for the 2015 September 8th Liberation; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-62
To further amend Section 2 of Kosrae State Law No. 11-11, as amended by State Law No. 11-29, to eliminate the projects titled :TBD" numbered at project 9 and to further allocate funds previously under TBD projects to specific project; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-63
To further amend State Law No. 10.134, as amended by State Law Nos. 10-150 and 11-25, by amending Title and Sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 thereof, to de-appropriate the sum of $10,320 previously appropirated to fund the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-64
To appropriate the sum of $5,320.00 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the September 2015 Kosrae State Leadership Conference; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-65
To amend Title 10 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 10.303 thereof, by adding a new subsection (6) to grant the Governor, Speaker and Chief Justice the discretion of reprogramming of public funds appropriated for the operation of each respective branch of government; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-66
To amend State Law No. 10-107, by amending Section 2 thereof, to change the use and/or apportionment of the fund appropriated for Tafunsak Municipality; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-67
To amend Title 19, by adding a new Chapter 10 for the purpose to establish the Research, Access and Benefit Sharing Act; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-68
To amend Title 11, by adding a new Chapter 9 for the purpose of establish the Kosrae Resource Royalty Act; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-69
To appropriate the amount of $3,160 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the activities of the 2015 International Day for Disaster Reduction.
L.B. No. 11-70
To amend State Law Nos. 8-46, 8-234, 8-17, 9-15, 9-63, 9-81, 9-140, 10-109, 10-113, and 10-143, by further amending Title 10 of the Kosrae State Code at Section 10.205(1) thereof, to create a revolving fund of the Tobacco Coalition from funds collected from fees and fines from tobacco related offenses in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-71
To appropriate the amount of $2,000.00 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of providing meeting allowance for the price control commission; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-72
To amend State Law No. 10-149 by amending Title 7 of the Kosrae State Code at Section 7.1704(4) thereof, to allow members of the price control commission to be compensated at rate set by law when actually attending meeting of the commission.
L.B. No. 11-73
To appropriate the sum of $800.00 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of providing funding assistance for the Special Election to be held in the Malem Municipal Government on November 3, 2015; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-74
To appropirate the amount of $1,000.00 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the Lelu General Election on November 3, 2015; and for other puroses.
L.B. No. 11-75
To amend Title 13 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 13.703 thereof, by adding a new subsection (23) to require school bus drivers to park in the middle of the primary road during discharging or reciving of students, and to renumber subsequent subsections, and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-76
To repeal Chapter 9 entitled "State Lawyers" of Title 2 of the Kosrae State Code; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-77
To further amend Title 2 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 2.901 thereof, to require the Legal Counsel or Staff Attorney for the Kosrae State Court to meet the same qualifications prescribed by law for State Lawyers, and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-78
To appropriate the sum of $2,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the activities of the 2015 Kosrae Senior Citizens Day.
L.B. No. 11-79
To appropriate the sum of $15,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the day to day operations of the Micronesian Legal Services Corporation (MLSC); and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-80
To amend Kosrae State Code at Title 6 to remove the Kosrae State Court's authority to grant divorces and to recognize judgements of divorce from foreign jurisdictions and to delete other references to divorce; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-81
To amend S.L. No. 11-33 to allow local revenue to support personnel cost of defunded non-degreed teachers and other defunded personnel in the State; reconcile budgets approved in S.L. No. 11-33 with recently available Amended Compact Grant Awards; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-82
To appropriate the sum of $1,500 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the Kosrae High School Basketball Team "Worriors" participating in the Varsity Basketball Tournamnet, in Pohnpei on December 19-31, 2015; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-83
To appropriate the sum of $10,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide final payment for the settlement between the Kosrae State Government and Mrs. Betsy-Rose Mongkeya; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-84
To amend the Kosrae State Code at Title 11 to add a new section to provide for the recognition of conditions to traditional transfer of land; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-85
To amend Title 13 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 13.609 thereof, to expand the application of the offense of insulting a police officer and to ascalate the offense of category two misdemeanor; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-86
To further amend Title 5, by amending Section 5.501 thereof, to improve the salary of cabinet members providing professional services or possessing a doctoral degree; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-87
To amend Title 14 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Sections 14.104 and 14.106 thereof, to amend the port and dock fees and to repeal Section 14.108 thereof, and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-88
To further amend Title 2, by amending Section 2.901(2)(b) thereof, to expand the period for a lawyer to become admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of the Federated States of Micronesia from one year to two years; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-89
To amend Title 6, by amending Sections 6.2201, 6.2312, 6.2314 and 6.3105 thereof, to repeal Chapter 32 of Title 6 and Chapter 3 of Title 16 in their entirety for the purpose to ban the right and exercise of divorce or annulment of marriage in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-90
To amend Title 13 of the Kosrae State Code, by adding a new Section 13.560 for the purpose of prohibiting spitting of betel nut juice on public places and areas surounding such public places; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-91
To amend Title 13 of the Kosrae State Code, by adding Sections 13.712 and Section 13.713, for the purpose of require operator and passengers of a motor vehicle to wear seat belts; to prohibit passenger to sit on the gate of the back of a motor vehicle, respecttively; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-92
To amend Title 15 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 302 thereof, to nullify and statutory provisions or act in conflict with the Kosrae Foreign Investment Act, and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-93
To appropriate the sum of $7,182.00 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the 2015 "Books in Schools for Kids to Read" project.
L.B. No. 11-94
To appropriate the sum of $700.00 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the activities of the 2015 APIL.
L.B. No. 11-95
To amend title 2 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 2.501 thereof, as amended by SL Nos. 4-32, 7-27, 7-76 and 7-241, to include Senior Citizen Day, October 1st, as part of government holidays; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-96
To appropriate the sum of $20,836 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the Kosrae Youth Development Association (KYDA) sub-program of the 2016 Strategic Prevention Framework - Partership For Success (SPF-PFS)
L.B. No. 11-97
To appropriate the sum of $7,497 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the Medical Reserve Corps/Citizen Volunteer Corps (MRC/CVC) project of the 2016 Strategic Prevention Framework - Partership For Success (SPF-PFS)
L.B. No. 11-98
To appropriate the sum of $6,336 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the Lelu Youth Summer Retreat Program (LYSRP) sub-program of the 2016 Strategic Prevention Framework - Partership For Success (SPF-PFS)
L.B. No. 11-99
To appropriate the sum of $4,572 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the Lelu Youth Association (LYA) project of the 2016 Strategic Prevention Framework - Partnership For Success (SPF-PFS).
L.B. No. 11-100
To appropriate the sum of $1,000.00 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to contribute to the 2016 June 6th Memorial Holiday and related celebrations and activities of the Malem community; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-101
To amend Title 9, of the Kosrae State Code, at Chapter 3 to increase the percent imposed on transaction tax; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-102
To appropriate the amount of $90,473 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the activities of "The Project for Renovation of Baseball Ground in Kosrae State".
L.B. No. 11-103
To amend Title 10 of the Kosrae State Code by creating a new chapter 8 to require that all agreements or commitments requring appropriation(s) from the Funds of the Treasury shall require the consent of the Kosrae State Legislature.
L.B. No. 11-104
To amend Kosrae State Code, Title 10, Chapter 2, by adding a new subsection 10.205(l)(n) by allowing a portion of the fines paid for traffic offenses to be retained by the Division of Public Safety for the purpose of equipment purchase and repair and uniform/personnel equipment purchase, fuel purchase and training allowances; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-105
To further amend Title 5, Chapter 5 at Section 5.501 thereof, to provide cabinet members possessing doctoral degree to receive an improved salary; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-106
To further amend Title 17, Chapter 2 at Sections 17.201, 17-204 and 17.207 thereof, to set the month of January as the month for annual vehicle regsistration for the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-107
To amend Title 10 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 10.205 thereof, to establish a Protected Areas Fund for the purpose of financing the conservation and management of protected areas in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-108
To establish a new Title 21 of the Kosrae State Code, to prepare, support and organize for Kosrae's participation in international amateur competitions; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-109
To appropriate a supplemental budget for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016 by further amending S.L. No. 11-33, as amended in S.L. No. 11-49 for the purpose of providing funding for the 3rd and 4th Quarter operations of certain entities; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-110
To establish a Project Management Office (PMO) to monitor and manage the implementation of certain infrastructure projects, and for other purposes, by amending Section 5.208 of the Kosrae State Code with insertion of a new sub-section (2).
L.B. No. 11-111
To amend Title 17 of the Kosrae State Code, by inserting a new Section 17.106 to create a roadblock section and identify certain dates for public safety to carry-out roadblocks in the State; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-112
To appropriate the sum of $10,000.00 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to contribute to the airfare for the players and coaches representing the State of Kosrae to the 2016 Micronesian Baseball Classic to be held in Saipan on June 24th to July 1st, 2016; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-113
To appropriate the sum of $96,940 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund procurment of a cesspit truck; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-114
To appropriate the sum of $10,582,484 from the Amended Compact Fund, the sum of $1,022,094 from the United States Grant Fund; and the sum of $55,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2017, for the purpose of funding the operations of all branches of the Kosrae State Government; its agencies, and various programs; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-115
To further amend Title 14 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 14.104 thereof, providing that the collection made on anchorage and mooring shall be shared equally with the Municipal Governments where a vessel is anchored in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-116
To amend Title 10 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 10.410 thereof to amend the compensation of the State Public Auditor; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-117
To amend Title 10, Chapter 2, Section 10.205 (l) (j), to repeal the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Fund and correct alphabetical order of the section; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-118
To amend the Kosrae State Code by reorganizing Title 10 Chapter 3 "Fishing and Marine Wildlife" and creating a new Title 21 "Fisheries Management" to provide a clear separation of the responsibilities between the Department of Resources and Economic Affairs and Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority in relation to the conservation, management and development of marine resources in the State waters of Kosrae; and for other purposes.
.L.B. No. 11-119
To appropriate the sum of $1,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the July 20th celebration activities for the Utwe Municipality; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-120
To further amend Title 14 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 14.108 thereof, to provide that the State's share of the port and dock fees be deposited into the State's Revenue Fund; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-121
To amend the Kosrae State Code at Title 11 to add a new section to provide for the recognition of conditions to the traditional transfer of land; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-122
To amend Title 13 of the Kosrae State Code Section 13.559 thereof, to restrict the selling of tobacco products on "World No Toabcco Day" and to renumber subsequent sections accordingly; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-123
To further amend Section 2 of the Kosrae State Law No. 11-11, as amended by S.L. No. 11-29 and S.L. No. 11-43, to eliminate certain projects therein and redirect funding to other projects; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-124
To appropriate the sum of $1,500,000.00 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund priority infrastructure projects in the State; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-125
To appropriate the sum of $650,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the operations and activities of the Kosrae Community Health Center.
L.B. No. 11-126
To amend State Law No. 9-149, by further amending Title 12 of the Kosrae State Code at Section 12.1606 thereof, to prohibit smoking of tobacco products within 20 feet from entrances and exits to and from any public places, and to renumber subsequent sections, and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-127
To protect the State Treasury, providing for actions to recover losses or damages in case of improper removal of funds of the State Treasury; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-128
To appropriate the sum of $92,000 from the United States Grant Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the programs of the Consolidated Forestry Grant.
L.B. No. 11-129
To appropriate the sum of $91,163 from the United States Grant Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the activities, projects and/or operations of the Kosrae Historic Preservation Office for the year ending September 30, 2016.
L.B. No. 11-130
To amend the Kosrae State Code at Title 7, Chapter 13 at Section 7.1309 thereof, to require the Housing Authority submit its approved annual budget to the Governor and the Speaker of the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-131
To appropriate the sum of $6,500 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding a special election for the Fourth Kosrae Constitutional Convention; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-132
To amend the Kosrae State Code at Title 13 by inserting a new Section 13.561, to prohibit a drunk person from desecrating the Sunday in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-133
To amend Title 13 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 13.703 thereof, by adding a new subsection (27) to prohibit minor passengers from standing, sitting or looking out of vehicle's windows while the vehicle is in motion on the road; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-134
To appropriate the sum of $2,500 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the September 8th, 2016 Liberation activities for the Kosrae Association of Guam; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-135
To appropriate the amount of $292,000 from the Amended Compact Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the Kosrae Hospital Temporary Facilities.
L.B. No. 11-136
To amend State Law Nos. 4-88, 5-59 and 8-87, by amending Kosrae State Code Title 9 Section 9.2102, thereof, to increase the airport utilization fee from $15.00 to $20.00; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-137
To appropriate the sum of $10,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to contribute to the 2016 Liberation Day celebrations in the four Municipal Government in the State; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-138
To amend State Law 11-75 for the purpose of appropriating an amount $25,000 dollars from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund a priority project in the State of Kosrae and to renumber accordingly; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-139
To amend Kosrae State Law 11-75, section 2 in particularly, to redirect funding to other projects; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-140
To further amend Title 11, Chapter 1 of the Kosrae State Code thereof, to insert a new Section 11.113 to specify the Municipal Governments' ownership on public land given by the State Government; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-141
To establish a new Title 21 of the Kosrae State Code, to provide for a Kosrae Wage and Hour law; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-142
To amend State Law No. 11-61, amending Section 11 thereof, to provide an additional lapse date for the operation funding for the Project Management Office; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-143
To repeal State Law No. 11-37, as amending Section 6.201 of Title 6 of the Kosrae State Code and Sections 11.604 and 11.605 of Title 11 of the Kosrae State Code thereof, to lift the prohibition on transfer of land above the Japanese line; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-144
To amend S.L. No. 11-75, to further identify State priority projects to be funded by the $1,500,000.00 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-145
To appropriate the sum of $2,500.00 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding 2016 Kosrae Games and assisting the municipalities' preparations for the 2016 Kosrae State Games, and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-146
To appropriate the sum of $828,300 from the Amended Compact Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund FY2017 Compact prior-year/unallocated-funded projects.
L.B. No. 11-147
To appropriate the sum of $2,120.00 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the 2016 Utwe Regular Election and Utwe Charter-Public Education; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-148
To further amend State Law No. 11-33, as amended by State Law Nos. 11-49, 11-61 and 11-78, to extend the lapse date for the Agriculture program funding and reapportioning of foreign assistance funding for FY2016 defunded programs by amending at Title, Sections 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 8; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-149
To appropriate a supplemental budget of $60,878 from the State Revenue Fund to fund the Agriculture Development Program and to further correct technical inconsistencies, by amending SL 11-81 at Title, Sections 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-150
To supplement State Law No. 11-81, at Section 2(18) to provide funding of $27,546 for the first two (2) quarters budget for personnel under the Division of Agriculture of the Department of Resources and Economic Affairs and to further correct the Title section and Section 1 of the State Law No. 11-81, to be consistent with this supplemental amendment; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-151
To further amend Title 7, Chapter 1 and Chapter 13 of the Kosrae State Code to allow Kosrare Housing Authority to receive external capital contribution, to expand its revenue, and to renumber dublicated numbering under Chapter 13: and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-152
To further amend S.L. No. 11-75, as amended by S.L. No. 11-85, to consolidate certain projects and renumber the numbering of project listing; apportion unallocated amounts title "TBD"; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-153
To appropriate the sum of $1,000,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury and apportioning such sum among the identified priority projects of the State.
L.B. No. 11-154
To amend State Law No. 11-72 to appropriate the $685,000 Kosrae Community Health Center Program Grant (CHC) for the performance period ending May 31, 2017.
L.B. No. 11-155
To appropriate the sum of $15,000 from the United States Grants Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the operations and activities of the FY17 Oral Health Program.
L.B. No. 11-156
To repeal Section 13.534 of Title 13 and Section 19.407 of Title 19 of the Kosrae State Code, to lift the prohibition of pigeon hunting in the state; and to renumber subsequent sections 13.535 through 13.561 of title 13 and subsequent sections 19.408 through 19.409 of Title 19; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-157
To further amend State Law No. 11-72 to appropriate the $725,000 Kosrae Community Health Center (CHC) for the performance period ending May 31, 2017.
L.B. No. 11-158
To appropriate the sum of $200,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the Project to Improve the Kosrae International Airport Terminal Arrival Lobby, Immigration and Customs Inspection Areas, Restrooms and Baggage Claim Areas; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-159
To further amend Title 8, Section 8.302 of the Kosrae State Code, as amended, to expand the days of advance notice required for the municipal council to the public on a proposed ordinance; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-160
To appropriate the sum of $11,500 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide financial assistance to the Raimond Taro Flour Company; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-161
To appropriate the sum of $2,500 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the 2017 International Women's Day celebration in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-162
To appropriate the sum of $100,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the activities of the Kosrae Agriculture Program, and other activities of the State; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-163
To further amend State Law No. 11-81, as amended by State Law No. 11-88, by amending Section 2(18) thereof, to de-appropriate the sum of $27,546; adjust appropriated sums, less de-appropriation at title, and Section 1; make further technical corrections; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-164
To appropriate the sum of $620.77 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to comply with the judgement order on the civil case Pipiana Mongkeya vs. Department of Education, and Kosrae State Government; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-165
To amend the Kosrae State Code Title 9 at Sections 9.202 and 9.301 to impose tax on rented motor vehicle purchase within 2 years of receipt; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-166
To appropriate the sum of $2,000 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to contribute to the 2017 June 6th Memorial Holiday and related celebrations and festivities of the Malem community; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-167
To raise the salary of the members of the Kosrae State Legislature, by amending Section 4.301 of Title 4 of the Kosrae State Code; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-168
To further amend Section 6.201 of Title 6, Chapter 2 of the Kosrae State Code thereof, as amended by State Law No. 11-92 to prescribed by law a distance to which claims on land above the Japanese line may claimed up to; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-169
To appropriate the sum of $10,130,209 from the Amended Compact Fund, the sum of $1,909,491 from the State Revenue Fund; the sum of $970,773 from the United States Grant Fund; and the sum of $55,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, for the purpose of funding the operations of all branches of the Kosrae State Government, its agencies, and various programs; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-170
To further amend Title 9, Chapter 2 of the Kosrae State Code thereof, by amending Section 9.202(14) to increase the sales tax on fuel products from five (5) cents to ten (10) cents per gallon; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-171
To further amend Sections 4.304, 5.508 and 6.1206 of the Kosrae State Code to modify the requirements for claims of representation funds to be consistent with the intention and purpose of representation funds for the recipients of the respective Government branches; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-172
To amend Title 13, Chapter 5 of the Kosrae State Code thereof, by amending Sections 13.538 and 13.359 to codify the registration of firearms and the unauthorized possessing using or giving of firearms; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-173
To amend S.L. No. 11-93 and insert certain projects apportioning unallocated amounts title "TBD"; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-174
To further amend S.L. No. 11-75, as amended by S.L. Nos. 11-85 and 11-96, to eliminate certain projects, reduce amounts appropriated for certain projects and redirect funding to other projects, apportion unallocated amounts title "TBD"; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-175
To amend the Kosrae State Code, Section 11.609 thereof, to increase the compensation salaries of the Principal Land Justice and Associate Principal Land Justice from their current compensation levels; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-176
To appropriate the sum of $1,500 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of providing funding assistance for the 2017 July 20th Liberation to be held in the Municipality of Utwe; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-177
To appropriate the sum of $2,808.65 from the Local Revenue Funds of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the Special Election for Lelu Town Government; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-178
To further amend Title 7, Chapter 15 of the Kosrae State Code, by changing the name "Semo-Micronesia Inc." to "Kosrae Industrial Development Corporation (KIDCO)" in lieu thereof; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-179
To appropriate the sum of $650,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the operation and activities of the Community Health Center (CHC) in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-180
To further amend Kosrae State Code, Title 10, Chapter 2 at Section 10.205(n) to require 5 percent of fees and fines collected from violations on use of tobacco in the State of Kosrae be given to the municipality where such violation takes place; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-181
To amend Title 11, Section 11.101 of the Kosrae State Code to further require renegotiated and/or amended public land lease to be re-routed for the Legislature's approval by resolution, and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-182
To appropriate the sum of $450,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of purchasing the outstanding shares and all assets of the Kosrae Industrial Development Co (KIDCO); and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-183
To appropriate the sum of $6,007 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of providing additional funding for the Kosrae Forest Legacy Project in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-184
To further amend S.L. No. 11-93, as amended by S.L. No. 11-106, to be consistent with amendment reflected in P.L. No. 20-05; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-185
To amend Chapter 8 of the Kosrae State Code by adding a new section 19.825 to establish and codify a new marine protected area in Tafunsak, Kosrae State; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-186
To further amend Title 3, Chapter 18 and Section 3.1901 of Chapter 19 of the Kosrae State Code, to codify the authority of the Election Commission to direct designated persons or body to tabulate ballots in a special polling place; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-187
To amend Section 17.101 of Title 17, Chapter 1 of the Kosrae State Code to include the designation, erection, and maintenance of signs and markings for handicap for handicap parking spaces at all government permises and public facilities; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-188
To appropriate the sum of $7,000 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the 2017 September Liberation Celebrations in the four Municipalities in Kosrae; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-189
To amend Kosrae State Code, Title 13 at Chapter 5 by adding a new Section 13.562, thereof, to prohibit the importation of betel nut into the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-190
To further amend Title 18, Section 18.503 at Chapter 5 of the Kosrae State Code by codifying compensation for panel members of ad hoc committee hearings for the State Government; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-191
To amend Section 5.208 of Title 5 of the Kosrae State Code, to provide representation of the four (4) Municipalities in the composition of the Infrastructure and Planning Implemenation Committee (IPIC); and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-192
To amend Section 7.606 of Title 7 of the Kosrae State Code, to require equal represenation of the four (4) Municipalities in the composition of the Kosrae Port Authority Board; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-193
To further amend State Law No. 11-75, as amended in S.L. Nos. 11-85, 11-96 and 11-114, to reduce the amount appropriated for certain projects and apportion unallocated amounts as "TBD"; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-194
To amend Title 19, Section 19.103, of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 19.103, subsection (23) thereof, to redefine the word "poison" to exclude "Derris eliptica" (known as "op okah" or "op tuktuk"); and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-195
To amend Title 19, Section 19.357 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Section 19.357, Subsection (2) (a) and repeal subsection 2© thereof, to uplift the harvesting times and certain size of turtles; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-196
To appropriate the sum of $5,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of providing financial assistance to the College of Micronesia-FSM, Kosrae Campus's fundraising efforts for its Endowment Fund; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-197
To appropriate the amount of $5,000 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding a follow-up trip to Pohnpei State.
L.B. No. 11-198
To amend Title 10 of the Kosrae State Code, by amending Chapter 2, Section 10.205(1)(d) of Title 10 to amend the Kosrae Visitors' Bureau Revolving Fund to include the collection of fees or all monies received from proceeds collected from all activities sponsored, managed and hosted by the KosraeVisitors' Bureau; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-199
To appropriate the amount of $260,245 from the Amended Compact Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund FY2018 Compact prior-year/unallocated-funded projects.
L.B. No. 11-200
To further amend State Law No. 11-61, as amended by State Law No. 11-78, amending Section 11 thereof, to provide extenstion on the lapse date for the operation funding for the Project Management Office; and for other purposes.
L.B. No. 11-201
Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Bob Skilling to serve as the Director of the Department of the Transporation and Infrastructure.
L.B. No. 11-202
Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Allerson Alik to serve as a board member of the Kosrae Port Authority Board.
L.B. No. 11-203
Expressing deepest gratitude to the Lelu Elementary School, most especially its Fifth Grade Students and Teacher for their visit and the generous donation of local fruits to the Members of the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislatures.
L.B. No. 11-204
Amending the Kosrae State Legislature Rules of Procedure by adding a new Rule 5.2.10 to require the Chief Clerk to read out loud the subject title of each measures before it is voted on.
L.B. No. 11-205
Consenting to the nominaton of Mr. Barnabus Palsis to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Parole Board.
L.B. No. 11-206
Requesting the Governor and the leadership of the State of Kosrae to sustain the services of Air Nauru to Kosrae.
L.B. No. 11-207
Consenting to the nomination of Mayor Truman Wakuk to serve as member of the Kosrae Health Advisory Board.
L.B. No. 11-208
Respectfully urging the Leadership of the Tafunsak Municipal Government to forgive the outstanding balance currently owed by the State of Kosrae from accumalative fuel tax shares from the fiscal year 2010 and 2015.
L.B. No. 11-209
Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Wilson L. Kephas to serve as a board member of the Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority Board.
L.B. No. 11-210
Consenting the the nomination of Mr. Fletcher Tulensru to serve as a board member of the Kosrae Port Authority.
L.B. No. 11-211
Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Daniel Thompson to serve as a board member of the Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority Board.
L.B. No. 11-212
Consenting the the nomination of Mr. Presley P. Charley to serve as a member of the Kosrae Business Development Council.
L.B. No. 11-213
Respectfully urging the Govenror of the State of Kosrae to initiate the relocation of the City Pro vessel from the Lelu lagoon.
L.B. No. 11-214
Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Semeon J. Phillip to serve as a member of the Board of Directors for Kosrae State Housing Authority.
L.B. No. 11-215
Expressing the sincerest sympathy and heartfelt condolences of the Members of the 11th Kosrae State Legislature to the family of the late Mayor Ben Jesse for his passing.
L.B. No. 11-216
Urging the Office of the FSM President, the FSM Congress and appropriate Offices at the FSM National Government to revisit and make appropriate modifications to their regulations and policies governing the disbursement of funds for public projects appropr
L.B. No. 11-217
Consenting to the nomination of Mayor Truman Wakuk to serve as member of the Kosrae Health Advisory Board.
L.B. No. 11-218
Endorsing the Kosrae State Governor and the Speaker to act on behalf of the Kosrae State Government in taking all necessary means consistent with the law to acquire the shares of Mr. In Ho Jung and become the sole shareholder of KIDCO.
L.B. No. 11-219
Consenting to the nomination of Mayor Truman Wakuk to serve as member of the Kosrae Health Advisory Board.
L.B. No. 11-220
Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Wilson S. Taulung to serve as a board member of the Kosrae Port Authority Board.
L.B. No. 11-221
Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Ilai D. Abraham to serve as a board member of the Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority Board.
L.B. No. 11-222
Recognizing and honoring the Vice Speaker of the Republic of the Marshall Islands Nitihela (Parliament), the Honorable Jetwadrik Anton, on his visit to the State of Kosrae to join the Yokwe Association of Kosrae, in celebrating the Republic of the Marshall Islands Independence Day.
L.B. No. 11-223
Requesting the Governor, Speaker and Chief Justice provide full support and assistance to this year's debate team, representing Kosrae High School and the State of Kosrae to the annual Law Day Debate to be held in Chuuk State, FSM on July 12, 2017.
L.B. No. 11-224
Urging the Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) to consider further amending Title 54 of the FSM Code at Section 805 thereof, as amended by Public Law No. 18-107 to allow 10% of the additional 20% distribution under subsection (A) of that section, deposited by the Treasurer of the Federated States of Micronesia into the State sub-account "A" of the FSM Trust Fund to be deposited into the Treasury for Kosrae State.
L.B. No. 11-225
Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Stoney S. Taulung to continue to serve as the Public Auditor for the State of Kosrae.
L.B. No. 11-226
Expressing appreciation and gratitude to the United States Postal Services (USPS) and the United Airlines for their colleborative efforts in delivering 416 pieces of mail through Special Asia Pacific Airlines Flight 319 on December 23, 2016.
L.B. No. 11-227
Respectfully requesting that the Governor and the Leadership of the State of Kosrae give favorable consideration to the Utwe Municipal Government's request to obtain legal ownership of the Utwe-Walung Marine Park located at Sacklem Section of Utwe Municipality.
L.B. No. 11-228
Respectfully requesting that the Governor and the Leadership of the State of Kosrae give favorable consideration to the Utwe Municipal Government's request to obtain legal ownership of the Utwe Elementary School located at Inyacah Section of Utwe Municipality.
L.B. No. 11-229
Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Wilson S. Taulung to serve as a board member of the Kosrae Port Authority Board.
L.B. No. 11-230
Expressing sincere condolences of the members of the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature to the family of the late Honorable Ready E. Johnny, Associate Justice for the FSM Supreme Court.
L.B. No. 11-231
Expressing the 11th Kosrae State Legislature's recognition of Ms. Moana S. Charley for her efforts in team debate win at the FSM National Law Day Debate.
L.B. No. 11-232
Expressing the 11th Kosrae State Legislature's recognition of Mr. Alik G. Jackson for his efforts and contribution to the Kosrae Debate Team's win at the 2017 National Law Day Debate.
L.B. No. 11-233
Expressing the 11th Kosrae State Legislature's appreciation to Mr. Benjamin Rasmussen for his efforts and contribution to the Kosrae Debate Team's win at the 2017 National Law Day Debate.
L.B. No. 11-234
Thanking the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Kosrae for their continued generous support to the people of Kosrae most especially for their contribution of canes, crutches, walkers and wheelchairs to the "disabled" and "elderly".
L.B. No. 11-235
Requesting the Governor to consider to fill the vacant position of Assocaite Justice for the Kosrae State Court.
L.B. No. 11-236
Expressing sincere congratulations to the Kosrae Little League All-Star Team for winning the 2017 Little League All-Star Tournament held in Pohnpei State.
L.B. No. 11-237
Approving the lease of the State public land to Mr. Peter P. Tilfas.
L.B. No. 11-238
Commending and recognizing the exemplary military achievment of Second Lieutenant Jack Jack Kun.
L.B. No. 11-239
Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's sincere appreciation to Ms. Ann M. Noda for her years of dedicated services to the Kosrae State Legislature until her resignation on August 4, 2017.
L.B. No. 11-240
Expressing the sadness and heartfelt condolences of the Members of the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature for the eternal passing of a national hero; a Climate Change Ambassador and former Minister, te late Mr. Tony DeBrum, and further conveying their sympahty to the family of late Mr. DeBrum.
L.B. No. 11-241
Expressing the 11th Kosrae State Legislature's recognition of Ms. Moana S. Charley for her efforts in team debate win at the FSM National Law Day Debate.
L.B. No. 11-242
Expressing heartfelt condolences and sympathy of the Memebrs of the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature for the eternal passing of a former State Senator and a father, the late Mrs. Kiyus A. Jackson.
L.B. No. 11-243
Expressing deepest condolences and sympathy by the Members of the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature to family members and relatives of a loved mother, the late Anna Brightly Aliksa for her eternal passing.
L.B. No. 11-244
Endorsing the Privatization Master Plan for the Kosrae State Government.
L.B. No. 11-245
Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Jim A. Abraham to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Election Commission.
L.B. No. 11-246
Expressing the 11th Kosrae State Legislature's recognition of Ms. Moana S. Charley for her efforts in team debate win at the FSM National Law Day Debate.
L.B. No. 11-247
Consenting to the re-nomination of Mr. Alokoa E. Sigrah to serve as a member of the Kosrae Sports Council.
L.B. No. 11-248
Expressing the 11th Kosrae State Legislature's recognition of Ms. Moana S. Charley for her efforts in team debate win at the FSM National Law Day Debate.
L.B. No. 11-249
Consenting to the re-nomination of Ms. Ann Noda to serve as a member of the Kosrae Price Control Commission.
L.B. No. 11-250
Consenting to the re-nomination of Mr. Nena K. William to serve as a member of the Kosrae Price Control Commission.
L.B. No. 11-251
Setting forth the total funds estimated to be available from the Amended Compact Fund, the United States Grant Fund, the State Revenue Fund and the Foreign Assstance Fund for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018 and requesting the Governor to notify the Legislature of any changes in the amount available from the funds of the Kosrae State Treasury.
L.B. No. 11-252
Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Skipper Ittu to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Scholarship Board.
L.B. No. 11-253
Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Vinton Benjamin to serve as a member of the Kosrae State Education Advisory Board.
L.B. No. 11-254
Consenting to the nomination of Mrs. Andriet R. Tilfas to serve as a member of the Kosrae Port Authority Board.
L.B. No. 11-255
Amending the Rules of the Kosrae State Legislature, Section 5.3.11 of the Administrative Rules of Procedures, to modify the disallowing provisions to become allowable as stated herein.
L.B. No. 11-256
Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's utmost appreciation and honor to Mr. Marbe Martin of Tafunsak Municipality for his many years of dedicated service as an educator and staff to the Department of Eduction and to the Kosrae State Government and to wish him continued success in the years ahead.
L.B. No. 11-257
Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's utmost appreciation and honor to Mr. Clarenson Nena of Tafunsak Municipality for his many years of dedicated service as an educator and staff to the Department of Eduction and to the Kosrae State Government and to wish him continued success in the years ahead.
L.B. No. 11-258
Approving the lease agreement between the Kosrae State Government and Liancheng Overseas Fishery Co., Ltd.
L.B. No. 11-259
Approving and consenting to the re-nomination of Mr. John P. Sigrah to serve as Board Member of the FSMTC Board of Directors.
L.B. No. 11-260
Consenting to the nomination of Mr. William Mongkeya to serve as a board member of the FSM Trust Fund Board of Trustees.
L.B. No. 11-261
Requesting that the Branch heads for the four (4) States of the Federated States of Micronesia (Chuuk, Pohnpei, Kosrae and Yap) convene to a National Leadership Conference prior to any international, regional and national Conferences.
L.B. No. 11-262
Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's heartfelt condolences of the passing of former Director of the Department of Transporation and Infrastructure (DT&I), Mr. Weston N. Luckymis; and its utmost appreciation for his many years of dedicated services to the State of Kosrae.
L.B. No. 11-263
Expressing the sincerest sympathy and heartfelt condolences of the Members of the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature to the family of the late Reverend Natchuo P. Andrew for his passing.
L.B. No. 11-264
Approving the lease of the State Public Land to Mrs. Penina T. Kinere.
L.B. No. 11-265
Urging the Chief Justice to make the necessary increase on Court fines for select misdemeanor offenses.
L.B. No. 11-266
Consenting to the nomination of Mr. William Mongkeya to serve as a board member of the FSM Trust Fund Board of Trustees.
L.B. No. 11-267
Acknowledging and expressing the deepest appreciation of the Members of the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature for the generous and proficient assistance provided by Vice President Yosiwo P. George of the Federated States of Micronesia to the Kosrae Delegation during a recent trip to the State of Pohnpei.
L.B. No. 11-268
Expressing the sincerest sympathy and heartfelt condolences of the Members of the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature to the family of the late William K. Palik for his passing.
L.B. No. 11-269
Approving the lease agreement between the State of Kosrae and Mr. Natchuo W. Thomas & Mrs. MaryRuth N. Thomas regarding public land parcel number 056-1-20.
L.B. No. 11-270
Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legisalture's deepest gratitude and appreciation to the Ayuda Foundation, for its generous donation to the State of Kosrae.
L.B. No. 11-271
Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Edmond H Salik to serve as Assocaite Justice for the Kosrae State Court.
L.B. No. 11-272
Expressng the sincerest sympathy and heartfelt condolences of the Members of the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature to the family of the late Senator Morgan S. Jonas for his passing.
L.B. No. 11-273
Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's heartfelt condolences of the passing of the State Forester, Mr. Erick E. Waguk; and its utmost appreciation for his many years of dedicated services to the State of Kosrae.
L.B. No. 11-274
Consenting to the nomination of Mr. William Mongkeya to serve as a board member of the FSM Trust Fund Board of Trustees.
L.B. No. 11-275
Urging the Kosrae Election Commission to designate special polling places outside the State of Kosrae.
L.B. No. 11-276
Congratulating the Kosrae Tennis Team players and their coaches for their outstanding performance during the 2017 FSM Junior Tennis Qualifier tournament held between Pohnpei State and Kosrae State in Pohnpei.
L.B. No. 11-277
Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Linson Waguk to serve as a member of the Price Control Committee.
L.B. No. 11-278
Consenting to the nomination of Mrs. Shrue W. Kephas to serve as a Member of the Kosrae Price Control Committee.
L.B. No. 11-279
Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Foster Waguk to serve as a Member of the Kosrae Broadcast Authority.
L.B. No. 11-280
Consenting to the re-nomination of Mr. Fores Abraham to serve as a Member of the Kosrae Broadcast Authority.
L.B. No. 11-281
Consenting to the re-nomination of Mr. McDonald Ittu to serve as a Member of the Kosrae Broadcast Authority.
L.B. No. 11-282
Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Eterny Edwin to serve as a Member of the Kosrae State Sports Council.
L.B. No. 11-283
Consenting to the nomination of Mr. Keitson Jonas to serve as a Member of the Kosrae State Sports Council.
L.B. No. 11-284
Consenting to the nomination of Mayor Ruben K. Charley to serve as a Member of the Kosrae Health Advisory Board.
L.B. No. 11-285
Consenting to the re-nomination of Mr. Fores Abraham to serve as a Member of the Kosrae Broadcast Authority.
L.B. No. 11-286
Consenting to the nomination of Mayor Canston Segal to serve as a Member of the Kosrae Health Advisory Board.
L.B. No. 11-287
Amending the Kosrae State Legislature Rules of Procedure at Rule 4.2.6 E. by changing the name of the Standing Committee on Judiciary & Governmental Operations to the Standing Committee on Judiciary, Veterans & Governmental Operations to include all matters pertaining to United States Armed Forces' Veterans of Kosrae to be considered, investigated or recommended by the Committee.
L.B. No. 11-288
Urging the Honorable Governor to appoint a resident of the electoral district of Malem to fill the vacancy of the Malem delegation seats with the Kosrae State Legislature.
L.B. No. 11-289
Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's congratuations to Mrs. Shanty S. Asher for successfully completing law school.
L.B. No. 11-290
Expressing the Eleventh Kosrae State Legislature's sincerest condolences of the passing of the late former Speaker Hiteo S. Shrew; and its utmost appreciation for his many years of dedicated services to the State of Kosrae.
L.B. No. 11-291
Amending the Kosrae State Legislature Rules of Procedure at Rule 5.2.4 and Rule 5.2.7 to require secret ballot vote to be used as the voting method for advice and consent appointment or nomination.
L.B. No. 11-292
Consenting to the re-nomination of Mr. Osamu Nedlic to serve as a Member of the Kosrae State Sports Council.