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9th Kosrae State Legislative Bills

L.B. No.  Title                                                                                                             

L.B. No. 9-01

To appropriate the sum of $65,599 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding certain forestry projects in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-02

To appropriate the sum of $3,324.00 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the Local Close Up program in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-03

To establish lapsing dates for State Public Projects appropriated under the Compact Capital Account of the Kosrae State Treasury; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-04

To amend Subsection 3.1101(5), 3.1104(1), 3.1301(1), 3.1302(2), 3.1501(1), 3.1502(3)(a) and Section 3.1801 of Title 3 of the Kosrae State Code to modify the limit period provided for a candidate and to eliminate Special Polling Places outside of the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-05

Relating to promoting the public purposes of the State of Kosrae b regulating the leasing of public Land; to amend Chapter 1, Title 11 of the Kosrae State Code at Section 11.101 and Section 11.712; and to propose new coding at Section 11.105 to Section 11.112 and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-06

To amend Title 13, Chapter 7, Section 13.703 of the Kosrae State Code to include a new subsection (25) which shall make a driving with a child on the driver's lap and [or] standing or sitting at the driver's window while the vehicle is running, a traffic offense. 

L.B. No. 9-07

To amend Title 6, Chapter 49 Section 6.4909 of the Kosrae State Code, to add a new subsection to establish and impose a probation fee upon probationers; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-08

To criminalize the intentional or reckless transmission of the Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

L.B. No. 9-09

To amend Title 9, Section 9.202 of the Kosrae State Code regarding the sales tax imposed on certain items imported into and sold within the state; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-10

To amend Title 10, Chapter 5, Section 10.501 of the Kosrae State Code to clarify the circumstances under which State funds may be disbursed in advance of receipt of monies granted by the national government; and to propose new coding for a new section 10.502 to require that the State shall not make any payments on behalf of any third party without the approval of the Legislature; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-11

To amend Title 9.201 of the Kosrae State code regarding the sales tax imposed on certain items imported into and sold within the State; and for other purposes.

L.B. No.9-12

To add a new Chapter 10, to the Kosrae State Code title 2, designating Yenyen Island, located in the municipality of Lelu as a conservation area for fruit bats, and to amend Title 13 of the Kosrae State Code by adding a new Section 13.555, stipulating that endangering of fruit bats is a public offense; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-13

To amend Kosrae State Code, Title 1, Chapter 2, Sections 1.201, to define the term "resident"; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-14

To amend S.L. 8-168, by supplementing the operation budget for the Rural Development-Kosrae by $44,548.50 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for fiscal ear ending September 30, 2007; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-15

To appropriate the sum of $25,000.00 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the Kosrae Seventh-Days Adventist classroom construction and renovation project in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-16

To repeal State Law No. 8-172; a state law that amended Section 18.601(3) of the Kosrae State code by establishing a new public service compensation plan; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-17

To amend State Law No. 8-171, Section 3, to reduce the amount appropriated to the Legislature for representation funds by $14,000 and to appropriate the amount of $14,000 to fund the operation of the four municipal governments in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-18

To enact a new Title 11, Chapter 7 of the Kosrae State Code to provide for an regulate the partition of real property in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-19

To amend Title 9.201 of the Kosrae State Code regarding the sales tax imposed on certain items imported into and sold within the State; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-20

To amend Title 9.201 of the Kosrae State Code regarding the sales tax imposed on certain items imported into and sold within the State; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-21

Relating to the repeal of Title 16, Chapter 2 of the Kosrae State code and proposing coding for a new Title 16, Chapter 2 of the Kosrae State Code to create a new Probate Code for the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-22

To further amend Title 6, Section 6.3708 (2) of the Kosrae State code as amended, to waive that 30-day notice and posting period by request showing good cause for the waiver; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-23

To establish a liaison body to be called Kosrae Health Liaison Council for the State Government of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-24

To repeal Title 7, Section 115, and Title 18, Section 408 in its entirety, of the Kosrae State Code, and to propose a new coding for Title 18, Section 408, to conform the regulation of the Social Security retirement beneficiaries; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-25

To amend Title 10, Section 10.204 and subsection (1) of Section 10.205 of the Kosrae State code and to repeal Title 10, Section 10.206 of the Kosrae State Code and propose new coding for Title 10, Section 10.206 of the Kosrae State code; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-26

To amend Title 13 at Section 13.509 of the Kosrae State Code to require that any construction company, person driving the vehicle to clean up any debris made on the primary roadway in the State; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-27

To amend Title 18, Chapter 6, Section 18.601, and Title 18 of the Kosrae State Code, by the addition of a new subsection 4, so as to establish a moratorium on the operation of $18.601(3) as amended by State Law 8-172 until the end of Fiscal Year 2007; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-28

To amend Kosrae State Code Title 5, Title 10, title 11, Title 14 and Title 19, at Section 1.305, Section 5.201, 5.202, 5.206, 7.506, 7.508, 7.509, 7.1003, 7.1206, 7.1208, 9.408, 9.2101, 10.101, 10.202, 10.205, 10.207, 10.208, 10.213, 10.703, 11.304, 11.401, 11.503, 11.504, 11.505, 11.507, 11.508, 11.509, 11.1101, 11.1102, 11.1401, 11.1402, 11.1501, 11.1503, 13.627, 14.104, 14.204, 14.206, 15.303, 15.501, 17.104, 18.102, and 19.101, to restructure certain principal departments and functions thereof within the Executive Branch, renaming and renumbering; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-29

To repeal  Title 19, Chapter 4 in the Kosrae State code, by adding a new section 19.403; prohibiting fishing activities and Title 13, section 544 to include fishing violation within the premises of boat marinas in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-30

To amend Title 4, Chapter 2, section 4.201 of the Kosrae State code to establish a third regular legislative session for the Legislature to deal with the annual budget; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-31

To repeal Subsection (9) under Title 13, Section 626; in the Kosrae State Code in its entirety; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-32

To amend Kosrae State Code at Title 17, Section 17.204 to increase motor vehicle registration fee; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-33

To authorize the Governor, on behalf of the State of Kosrae, to borrow from the Federated States of Micronesia those funds voted by the Congress to be made available as a loan to the State of Kosrae and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-34

To amend the enabling legislation of the Business Development Council; to correct typographical errors and to clarify the duties and obligations of the Council; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-35

To re-designate those funds previously appropriated from the Capital Improvement Project Funds as General Revenue for the purpose of funding the operations of the State Government and repayment of outstanding debt; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-36

To amend State Law No. 8-171, at Sections 2, 3, 4, and 6 to make adjustments necessary to the Local Revenue Fund to appropriate funds for the 3rd Quarter of the fiscal year ending September 30, 2007; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-37

To amend Title 10, Section 10.305 of the Kosrae State Code by the addition of a new subsection (1) to mandate approval by the Kosrae State Legislature prior to the acceptance of any Grant, Agency Program funding or Relief Aid to the State, Branch of State Government, State agency or government financed organization, from any organization or entity that would require matching funds to be provided by the State as a condition of the grant; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-38

To establish a Kosrae State Board of Education; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-39

To create a new Chapter 6, under the Kosrae State Code, Title 7, to preserve and protect the historical and cultural heritage of Kosrae; to establish the Kosrae Traditional Heritage Council, the Society of Historians, the State Registry of Historical Properties; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-40

To establish a lapse dates for funds in the amount of $20,000.00 appropriated to fund Kosrae State Workmen's Compensation for fiscal year 2000 by State Law 7-52 from the Compact Current Account of the United States Grant Fund in the Kosrae State Treasury; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-41

To appropriate the sum of $1,025,954 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to be deposited in the Amended Comapct Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-42

To amend Kosrae State Code Title 9, Section 9.501, to increase the maximum annual commercial license fee that may be imposed by municipal government; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-43

To appropriate the sum of $267,213.00 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of partially retiring the $500,000 credit facility used by the State of Kosrae for payroll expenses; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-44

To appropriate the sum of $206,842.00 from the Revenue Fund off the Kosrae State Treasury to be made payable to all pending unreleased Compact sector checks; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-45

To approve the terms of the Kosrae Stabilization Loan Agreement between the National Government of the Federated States of Micronesia and the Sate of Kosrae; and to appropriate and direct the obligation of the security required by the Loan Agreement; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-46

To amend Kosrae State Code Title 1, Title 4, Title 5, Title 10, Title 11, Title 14, and Title 19, at Section 1.305, Section 5.201, 5.202, 5.206, 7.506. 7.508, 7.509, 7.1003, 7.1206, 7.1208, 9.403, 9.2101, 10.101, 10.202, 10.205, 10.207.1, 10.207.2, 10.208, 10.213, 10.703, 11.304, 11.401, 11.503, 11.504, 11.505, 11.507, 11.508, 11.509, 11.1101, 11.1102, 11.1401, 11.1402, 11.1501, 11.1503, 13.627, 14.104, 14.206, 15.303, 15.501, 17.104, 18.102 and 19.101, to restructure certain principal departments and functions thereof within the Executive Branch, renaming and renumbering; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-47

To appropriate the sum of $10,158,170 from the United States Grant Fund; the sum of $2,634,987 from the State Local Revenue Fund; the sum of $1,008,922 from the Foreign Assistance Fund; the sum of $165,471 from the Airport Utilization Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2008, for the purpose of funding the operations of all branches of the Kosrae State Government, its agencies, various programs, and infrastructure development projects; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-48

To amend Kosrae State Code Title 13, Chapter 7, Section 13.703, adding subsection (26), requiring seat belts used while driving on public roadways; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-49

To amend Title 6, Chapter 311 of the Kosrae State Code by repealing Subsection 5 of Section 6.3103, and proposing new coding for a new Subsection 5 to provide for an extension of the jurisdiction of the Kosrae State Court to issue adoption degree for children who are born outside of the FSM and are not citizens of the FSM; and to amend Section 6.3104 by proposing coding for a new Subsection 3 deeming a foreign born child adopted pursuant to Title 6, Chapter 31 to be a citizen of the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-50

To appropriate the sum of $1,500.00 from the State Revenue Fund off the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the Special Election to be held in Malem Municipal Government; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-51

To amend Title 7, Chapter 2 Sections 17.207 of the Kosrae State Code to set a specific expiration date and renewal month for all motor vehicles; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-52

To amend title 7, Chapter 1, Section 7.103 by inserting a new subsection (1) to require that Kosrae State Government elected officials and Department Heads not be appointed to the board of any Kosrae State Government boards, agencies, authorities or government financed organizations unless such appointment is authorized by the law creating the board, agency, authority or government financed organizations; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-53

To amend Title 10, Chapter 6 by adding a new Section 10.602 and a new Section 10.603 to regulate the process of appointment of the Kosrae State representative to the Compact Management Board of the National Government of the Federated States of Micronesia and to require prompt reporting or Board activities to the Executive and Legislature; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-54

To amend Title 10, Part II of the Kosrae State Code by the addition of a new Chapter 17 entitled Recreational Use of the Marine Space; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-55

To appropriate the sum of $353,177 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of supplementing the operations of certain governmental entities for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2007; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-56

To amend State Law No. 8-168, at Sections 2 to apportion previously appropriated funds therein; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-57

To further amend State Law No. 8-163, as amended by State Law No. 8-171 and 9-9, at Sections 11 and 12 to de-appropriate funds previously appropriated therein; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-58

To renumber the erroneously numbered Chapter 5, entitled "Port Authority", in Title 7 of the Kosrae State Code from Chapter 5 to Chapter 6; and to amend the new sections 7.606 and 7.608 thereby created so as to reflect the intended restructuring of the Port Authority; and to amend sections 7.503 and 7.506 of the Chapter 5 entitled "Visitors Bureau" so that those sections will have the wording in effect prior to the passage of S.L. 9-15; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-59

To reinstate the requirement of possessing a valid drinking permit in order to purchase or consume alcohol beverages; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-60

To appropriate the sum of $36,393 from the Foreign Assistance Fund from the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding certain FEMA Projects in Kosrae; and for other purposes

L.B. No. 9-61

To amend the Kosrae State Code, Title 13, Section 13.517 (2) and 13.517 (8), to extend the drinking age from twenty-one years of age to twenty-five years of age; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-62

To amend Title 13, Chapter 7, Section 13.703 of the Kosrae State Code by adding a new subsection (26) to make it an offense to use a hand held cell phone while operating a moving vehicle; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-63

To amend Chapter 7 of Title 13 of the Kosrae State at Section 13.703 subsection 16 to provide for a mandatory citation for parking in such a way as to impede or block traffic; to allow 60 days after the passage of the Bill before it to become effective to allow for public education before the law comes into effect; to correct a typographical error; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-64

To amend Title 10, Chapter 2, Section 10.209, to require the submission of a trip report in order to receive payment of travel expenses incurred by a traveler on State Business and to require a copy of the trip report to be transmitted to the Office of the Speaker; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-65

To amend Title 13, Chapter 6 of the Kosrae State Code by adding a new subsection 10 and a new subsection 11 forbidding campaign activities during election day and requiring the removal of campaign advertising from public property by 12:00 a.m of election day; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-66

To amend Title 18, by adding Chapter 8 entitled "The Reduction in Force Assistance Program" to create a fund for those state government employees subject to layoff due to a Reduction In Force; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-67

To amend Title 18, Section 18.601 subsection (3) and to repeal Title 18, Section 18.601 subsection (4) of the Kosrae State Code to reduce the salary schedule for employees and ositions in the public service system by five (5) per cent; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-68

To amend title 9, Section 9.202 of the Kosrae State Code regarding the sales tax imposed on certain items imported into and sold within the State; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-69

To amend Kosrae State Code, Title 4.301 and 4.304; Title 5, Section 5.501 and 5.508; Title 6, Section 6.1203 and 6.1206; Title 10, Section 10.410; and Title 11, Section 11.609 to conform with State Law _____ instituting a 5% pay reduction for certain State Government employees and to suspend the entitlement to representation funds; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-70

To appropriate the sum of $373,786 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of supplementing the operations of certain governmental entities for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2007; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-71

To amend Title 7, Chapter 1, Section 7.115 and Title 18, Chapter 4, Section 18.408 of the Kosrae State Code in order to eliminate the Early Retirement Program; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-72

To amend the Kosrae State Code, Title 10, Chapter 2, Section 10.205, subsection (g), to add a new subsection (1), to designate the Cancer Revolving Funds account; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-73

To amend Title 7, Chapter 13, Section 7.1313 to require consultation with the Kosrae State Legislature and the Governor of the State of Kosrae before any increase in the price of diesel or gasoline fuel sold for domestic use in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-74

To amend Title 9 Section 9.201 and Section 9.403(1) of the Kosrae State code to enlarge the period for payment of the sales tax imposed on certain items imported into and sold within the State; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-75

To amend State Law 9-27, to clarify the eligibility of contract employees for the Reduction In Force Program; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-76

To amend State Law No. 9-21, at Section 1 and Section 2, to supplement the operation of the Kosrae State Legislature for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2007; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-77

To appropriate the sum of $3,500.00 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for for the 2007 Liberation Day to be held in the Municipal Governments of the State; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-78

To establish the Department of Education for Kosrae State by amending, repealing and superseding Title 12 at Part I of the Kosrae State Code and various State laws as they relate to the education system in Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-79

To amend Title 15, to add a new section 15.107 to designate the airfield, port and dock areas at Okat, Tafunsak as a commercial and industrial area and to permit businesses to operate on Sunday; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-80

To amend Section 6 of the State Law No. 8-158 to extend the lapse date on the overdraft facility provided by the Bank of the FSM; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-81

To amend Title 18, by adding amending Chapter 8, Sections 18.807 and 18.808 of "The Reduction in Force Assistance Program" to extend the period of compensation from one to two years; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-82

To amend Section 3 of the State Law No. 9-23 to extend the lapse date on the appropriation for the Special Election to be held in Malem and Utwe Municipal Governments and Tafunsak Constitutional Convention and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-83

To amend Title 9, Chapter 22 of the Kosrae State Code at Section 9.2202(2) & (3) and Section 9.2203(3) in order to simplify the procedures for the appointment of the Recycling Agent and promulgation of amended Regulations; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-84

Amending Title 4 of the Kosrae State Code by adding a new Chapter 5 designating the Building housing the Chamber of the Kosrae State Legislature as the James R. Palsis Building; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-85

To appropriate the sum of $5,000 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the operation of the USDA Rural Development Office; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-86

To appropriate the sum of $700 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the Kosrae Nursing Association to host the 34th American Pacific Nursing Leaders Council Annual Conference.

L.B. No. 9-87

To appropriate the sum of $23,438.00 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the environmental monitoring project for the Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-88

To amend the Title of State Law No. 9-33, by changing total amounts appropriated from United States Grant Fund and Local Revenue Fund to reflect the actual total appropriation; and to amend Section 3, and Section 4, to reinstate the line item-vetoed amount for operation of the Legislature and amend a typographical error in Section 11; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-89

To amend title 11, Section 11.609 of the Kosrae State Code to increase the annual compensation for the Principal Land Court Justice and the Associate Land Court Justice; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-90

To further amend State Law No.8-169 at Section 3, to extend the lapse date from September 30, 2007 to September 30, 2008; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-91

To amend Kosrae State Code, Title 2, Section 2.501(1)(h), to change the day for observance of the Thanksgiving Day holiday celebration; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-92

To amend Kosrae State Code, Title 13, Chapter 5, by adding Section 13.557, to prohibit the sales of tobacco products in partial packages or unsealed packages; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-93

To amend Kosrae State Code, Title 13, Chapter 5, by adding Section 13.554, to ban all forms of advertisements for tobacco products in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-94

To propose a new coding for Title 6, Chapter 48 of the Kosrae State code that will allow for a state-wide night time curfew for juveniles; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-95

To amend Title 9, Chapter 21, Section 9.2102 of the Kosrae State Code to exempt those Kosrae State Senior Citizens who have reached the age of sixty (60) years from the airport Utilization Fee; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-96

To amend Kosrae State Code, Title 10, Section 10.205, to require that monies received by a Department, office or agency other than those prescribed by law be retained by the Division of finance and Budget and deposited into the State Treasury; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-97

To repeal State Laws 1-25, 3-99 and 4-8 to eliminate the Kosrae Farmer's Exchange Fund; the Production Development Loan Fund and the Fisheries Revolving Fund respectively; to amend Title 10, chapter 2, Section 10.205(1)(a) so as to eliminate the Marketing Support Fund and to establish a new Production Development Fund; to repeal subsections 10.205(2) and 10.205(3); and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-98

To amend the Kosrae State Code by addition of Title 16 of a new Part III entitled "Domestic Violence"; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-99

To repeal State Laws 1-25, 3-99 and 4-8 to eliminate the Kosrae Farmer's Exchange Fund; the Production Development Loan Fund and the Fisheries Revolving Fund respectively and to amend Title 10, Chapter 2 Section 10.205(1) by repealing subsections (a), (b), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), and (l, to eliminate the Marketing Support Fund (established pursuant to 10.205(1)(a)), the Sports Council Fund, the State Scholarship Fund, the Broadcast Fund, the Yearbook Revolving Fund and the Court Fund respectively; and to repeal subsections (2) and (3) of Section 10.205 and to renumber the remaining subsections of Section 10.205(1); to amend Section 9.2205 to reflect the renumbering of the Code; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-100

To amend Title 6, Chapter 12 Section 6.1202 to be more specific on the requirements when considering a nomination for the State Court Justice; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-101

To amend Sections 6.4601 and 6.4604 of Title 6, Chapter 46 of the Kosrae State Code; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-102

To amend Title 7, Chapter 12 of the Kosrae State code by adding a new subsection 7.1202(5) requiring the Kosrae Utility Authority to publish a structure of rates for services rendered by the Authority by displaying on the face of the bill the actual charge, without calculating a separate fuel adjustment charge, for electricity per kilowatt hour or those services; to re-number the following subsections to reflect the addition of the new subsection; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-103

To amend Title 7 of the Kosrae State Code by inserting a new Chapter 7 entitled "Education Advisory Board" to establish an Educational Advisory Board; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-104

To amend Title 4, Chapter 2 of the Kosrae State Code to insert a new Section 4.204 to set a time period for the appropriate committee to act on the nomination for a State Court Justice and re-numbered the subsequent Sections of Chapter accordingly; to correct a typographical error in Section 4.203; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-105

To appropriate the sun of $1,185.00 and any interest accrued thereto from the Foreign Assistance Fund for the purpose of establishing and funding "Education PRIDE Project"; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-106

To appropriate the sum of $2,556 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the Kosrae Local Close Up Program; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-107

To appropriate the sum of $152,171.36 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the coral and coastal monitoring project for the Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-108

To appropriate the sum of $319,140 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding certain USDOI/OMIP projects in Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-109

To appropriate the sum of $30,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the operation of the Kosrae Office of Micronesian Legal Services Corporation for fiscal year 2008; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-110

To amend Title 9 of the Kosrae State Code by enacting a new Chapter 23 entitled the Persistent Organic Pollutants Act; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-111

To amend Title 11, of the Kosrae State Code by adding a new Chapter 17 to end the importation of non-recycling plastic bags and promote the use of locally produced, recyclable, and reusable bags as a way of reducing damage to the land and marine environment on Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-112

To appropriate the sum of $50,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund obligations under State Law 8-172 for the Government employees whose salaries are funded under the Local Revenue and/or Federal Programs; and for other purposes.

L.B. No.9-113

To amend State Law 9-27, to clarify the eligibility of contract employees for the Reduction In Force Program; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-114

To amend Title 7 of the Kosrae State Code by inserting a new Chapter 8 entitled ""Health Advisory Board" to establish an Health Advisory Board; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-115

To amend Title 18, Section 18.107 of the Kosrae State Code, by inserting a new subsection 14 and renumbering the former subsection 14, to exempt employees of United States federally funded programs from the Public Service System Act; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-116

To amend Title 17, by renumbering section 17.302 to be consistent with the numbering scheme used elsewhere in the Kosrae State Code; amending subsection (2)(a)(ii); and inserting a new subsection (2)(a)(iii) to reduce the minimum age for an operator of a motor vehicle used as a passenger carrying taxi; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-117

To further amend State Law 9-21 as amended, to change the source of the appropriation of $22,000 of the Legislature's appropriation from the Foreign Assistance Fund to the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State treasury and to extend the lapse date on the appropriation from September 30, 2007 to April 30, 2008; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-118

To appropriate the sum of $100,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State treasury for the purpose of providing additional capital contribution to the Pacific Islands Development Bank for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2008; and for other purposes.

.L.B. No. 9-119

To appropriate the sum of $500,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of supplementing funding for the Kosrae State Government Reform Program; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-120

To appropriate the sum of $19,940 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the procurement of a Solar Photovoltaic System for the Material Recovery Facility at Okat; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-121

To amend title Section and Section 1 of the State Law No. 9-21, to modify the source of funding appropriated supplementing the budget for fiscal year ending September 30, 2007; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-122

To amend Title 7, by adding Part IV, Chapter 16 entitled "The Kosrae Home Improvement Program" to create a fund independent of the General Fund for the purpose of providing affordable home improvement loans to Kosraeans; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-123

To amend Title 10, Section 10.205 to create a new subsection (1) and renumber subsequent paragraphs, to establish a revolving fund for the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure for the purpose of receiving and expending funds in furtherance of contracted private and grant funded project; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-124

To appropriate the sum of $7,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State treasury for the purpose of providing funding to improve the condition of the Kosrae State Cemetery in the State of Pohnpei; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-125

To appropriate the sum of $5,092.72 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding participants to the Pacific Association of Land Professionals (PAL); and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-126

To amend Title 6, Section 6.6101 of the Kosrae State Code to allow probation fees to be retained by the State Court; to amend Section 6.4909 to add a new subsection (7) to establish and impose a probation fee upon probationers; to amend subsection 10.205(1)(1) so that all monies collected as probation fees may retained by the State Court to fund probation client services and programs; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-127

To amend State Law No. 9-37, at Section 1, 2, and Section 3, to supplement the operation of the USDA Rural Development - Local Office; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-128

To further amend State Law No. 9-21 as amended at Section 2, to supplement the operations of the Office of the Governor and Kosrae State Court; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-129

To amend Title 6 of the Kosrae State Code by adding a new Chapter 50 entitled Adult Pretrial Diversion Program so that certain persons charged with non-violent offenses may be offered an alternative to a criminal conviction, while at the same time serving the purposes of enforcing the State's criminal statutes; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-130

To amend Kosrae State Code, Title 10, Chapter 2, by adding a new subsection 10.205(m) by allowing a portion of the fees charged for the registration of vehicles, police record investigations, drivers licenses, state identification cards, learners permits, and a portion of fines paid for traffic offenses be retained by the Department of Public Safety for the purpose of equipment purchase and repair, and uniform/personal equipment purchases, and training allowances; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-131

To amend Kosrae State Code Title 5, Section 5.202 by changing the name of the Housing Renovation Loan Fund to be consistent with the reorganization of the State's loan program; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-132

To further amend State Law No. 9-33 as amended, at Sections 5 and 6 to supplement the operation of the Kosrae State Court; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-133

To appropriate the sum of $57,600 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State treasury for the purpose of supplementing funding for the Kosrae State Government to defray Land Lease and other contractual Costs; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-134

To appropriate the sum of $10,449,908 from the United States Grant Fund; the sum of $2,246,254 from the State Local Revenue Fund the sum of $1,040,101 from the Foreign Assistance fund; and the sum of $127,303 from the Airport Utilization Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2009, for the purpose of funding the operations of all branches of the Kosrae State Government, its agencies, and various programs, and infrastructure development projects; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-135

To amend Title 6 of the Kosrae State Code by adding a new Chapter 50 entitled "State of the Court" to require the Chief Justice of the Kosrae State Court to present a report to the Kosrae State Legislature during the first regular session of each calendar year, outlining the status of the Kosrae State and Land Courts; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-136

To appropriate the sum of $15,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the Improvement of the Non Directional Beacon (NDB) facility at the Kosrae International Airport; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-137

To amend Chapter 1 of Title 18 of the Kosrae State Code by adding a new Section 18.109 to require that the Kosrae State Legislature be informed of all proposed new Kosrae State employment contracts and to be provided with funding information for each new contract; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-138

To appropriate the sum of $6,000 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the general elections to be held in Malem and Utwe Municipal Government in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-139

To appropriate the sum of $1,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the Court Mediation Program; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-140

To appropriate the sum of $26,012.27 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to supplement the operation of the USDA Rural Development-Local Office; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-141

To appropriate the sum of$50,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of providing additional capital contribution to the Pacific Islands Development Bank for fiscal ear ending September 30, 2008; and for other purposes

L.B. No. 9-142

To further amend The Land Court Act of 2000 by amending Kosrae State Code, Section 11.607 Qualification of Justices, to allow consistency between the qualifications of Justices for the State Court and for the Land Court; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-143

To appropriate the sum of $14,238.60 from the State Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund reimbursement for Mr. Bruce Howell's repatriation travel expenses; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-144

To amend Sections 13.404; 13.405; 13.406; and 13.409 of the Kosrae State Code to redefine the monetary value limits for certain felony and misdemeanor offenses; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-145

To appropriate the sum of $10,250.00 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Tr3asury for the purpose of funding Liberation Day, September 2008 activities in the four municipalities in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-146

To appropriate the sum of $1,000.00 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the proposed activities for the Kosrae State Senior Citizens; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-147

To appropriate the sum of $2,384.00 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State for the purpose of funding the Kosrae Rural Development program; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-148

To appropriate the sum of $8,600 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the Loan Repayment for the Malem Wastewater Project; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-149

To further amend State Law No. 9-21 as amended by State Law No. 9-47 at Section 5 and State Law No. 9-58 to extend the lapse date from April 30, 2008 to September 30, 2008; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-150

To appropriate the sum of $10,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State for the purpose of funding the Land Acquisition at the Lelu Elementary School site; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-151

To appropriate the sum of $8,270.08 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State for the purpose of Supplementing the operation of the Kosrae 

visitors bureau; and for other purpose.

L.B. No. 9-152

To appropriate the sum of$12,596.13 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of supplementing the operation of the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-153

To amend the lapse date of the appropriation authorized by State Law 9-65 from September 30, 2008 to December 31, 2008; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-154

To amend Title 18.07 of the Kosrae State Code to eliminate the requirement that a participant in the Reduction in Force Program be required to repay a pro-rated portion of any lump sum payment, or to cease receiving periodic payment, upon being hired by the National 

Government; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-155

To enact Kosrae State Code Title 18, Chapter 6, Section 18.607 to authorize a cost of living adjustment for Kosrae State employees; and for other purposes

L.B. No. 9-156

To improve funding for the Kosrae State Police by amending Title 17 of the Kosrae State Code at Sections 17.204, 17.301, 17.303(4), and 17.309(5) to increase the fees charged by the State of Kosrae for vehicle registration, drivers licenses, learners permits and State Identification Cards and amending Title 10 of the Kosrae State Code by inserting a new subsection (4) into Section 10.205 to provide that fifty per cent (50%) of fees collected pursuant to Sections 17.204, 17.301, 17.303(4) and 17.309(5) shall be segregated and only used for funding the operations for the Kosrae State Police; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-157

To amend Title 5, Chapter 2, 502(4), and Title 7, Chapter 12, Sections 7.1202, 7.1203(6), l7.1217 and 7.1218 of the Kosrae State Code to transfer and place responsibility for the wastewater and water services with the Kosrae Utility Authority; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-158

To amend Title 10, Section 10.205(g) regarding the Health Care Revolving Fund to allow for the use of said funds to repay loans obtained on behalf of the Department of Health Services for the purchase of medical supplies and equipment, inclusive of pharmaceutical supplies, for use by the Department of Health Services, its clinics, dispensaries, programs and patients; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-159

To authorize the Governor of the State of Kosrae to borrow against the public credit in fiscal Year 2009 by using an overdraft facility that has been provided by the Bank of the FSM; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-160

To amend the Kosrae State Law 9-42, to appropriate an additional sum of $7,581 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of supplementing the funding for the "Education PRIDE Project"; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-161

To appropriate the sum of $18,302.24 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of supplementing the State Retirement Pension Program in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-162

To amend Title 11, by amending Section 11.411 and Title 7, Section 7.1605(B) to clarify the monies which may be deposited in and utilized from the Kosrae Housing Improvement Program Revolving Fund and the purposes for which the money may be used; to amend Title 5, Section 5.202 and Title 10, Section 10.205(k) to rename the Housing Renovation Loan Fund to the Kosrae Home Improvement Program Revolving Fund, consistent with State Law 9-73; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-163

To amend State Law No 9-74, at Sections 11 &12 for the purpose of providing additional funding for Department of Resources and Economic Affairs for the unfounded (sector) projects for the first quarter of fiscal year 2009; and to add additional funding for the Sector approved PSD projects and Kosrae Housing Improvement Program; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-164

To amend State Law No. 9-74, at Sections 1,l Section 1(b), Section 3 and Section 4 (b),l to supplement the operation of the Governors Office and the Legislature; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-165

To amend Title 19, Subsection 19.417 (2) (a), (b), and (c) f the Kosrae State Code to completely ban the killing, catching and taking turtles; renumbering each subsection accordingly; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-166

To further amend State Law No. 9-74, supplementing the operations of the Kosrae State Government branches, its agencies, and various programs, funded under the Kosrae State Revenue Fund, for second quarter of fiscal year ending September 30, 2009; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-167

To appropriate the sum of $6,500.00 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the Nursery Expansion Project for the Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-168

To further amend the Kosrae State Law 9-42, as amended by State Law No. 9-76, to appropriate an additional sum of $50,050.00 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the three Sub-Project Proposals for the "Education PRIDE Project"; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-169

To amend Title 13, Chapter of the Kosrae State Code by adding a new Section 13.314 to make it an offense for a teacher, sports coach, school employee, or education administrator to have sexual contact with any person registered as a student in a public or private school in Kosrae; to renumber the existing Section 13.314; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-170

To repeal Section 13.313 of the Kosrae State Code and to amend Title 13, Chapter 3 of the Kosrae State Code by adding a new Section 13.313 to provide for the protection of children under the age of sixteen from sexual exploitation; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-171

To further amend State Law No 9-74, as amended by State Law No. 9-80 and State Law No. 9-82, at Section 1, Section 2(1)(c), Section 3, Section 4(c), Section 5, and Section 6(c); to supplement the operations of the three branches of the State Government of the fiscal year ending September 30, 2009; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-172

To amend Title 11, Part II of the Kosrae State Code by the addition of a new Chapter 17 entitled Recreational Use of the Surf Resource; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-173

To appropriate the sum of $2,520 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the Kosrae Local Close Up Program; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-174

To further amend State Law No. 9-74 as amended by State Law Nos. 9-80, 9-82, and 9-87 at Sections 9, Section 10(2), Section 11, and Section 12 (1), (3) and (4), to supplement the operations of certain departments and agencies of the government for fiscal the year ending September 30, 2009; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-175

To amend the Kosrae State Code by adding a new Chapter 23 to Title 9 to allow the Division of Public Safety to charge a fee of $5.00 for driver's license or registration status registration certification and a fee of $5.00 for criminal background check certification to be deposited into the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-176

To amend the Kosrae State Code by amending Chapter 6 of Title 13 by adding a new Section 13.633 to provide requirements the lawful conduct of road-side roadside fund raising activities; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-177

To amend the Kosrae State Code at Title 12, Section 12.1103, to provide for free medical services for disabled people who are enrolled in programs for the disabled administered by the Department of Health Services or the Department of Education; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-178

To amend Title 2 of Chapter 5 of the Kosrae State Code at Sections 5.201, 5.202 to transfer the responsibilities for the Division of Community Affairs from the Department of Resources and Economic Development to the Department of Education; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-179

To dissolve the Micronesian Petroleum Corporation and transfer its assets and liabilities to the Kosrae State by repealing Chapter 13 of Title of the Kosrae State Code and amending the Kosrae State Code by enacting a new Chapter 13 of Title 7; and to provide for the continuity of employment for current management and employees of MPC; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-180

To amend the Kosrae State Code by adding a new Chapter 9 in Title 19 entitled the Marine Parks Act of 2009; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-181

To amend Chapter 2 of Title 5 of the Kosrae State Code at Section 5.202 and Section 7.1212(2) and 7.1311(3) of the Kosrae State Code to assign the responsibility for the monitoring and oversight of energy production, sales and distribution and infrastructure development to the Department of Resources and Economic Affairs; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-182

To amend Title 11 of the Kosrae State Code by adding a new Chapter17, entitled Dog Control, to provide for the licensing and control of dogs in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-183

To amend Chapter 4 of Title 13 of the Kosrae State Code by adding a new Section 13.415 to make it an offense to remove a fish from, or knowingly destroy, damage or impair the functioning of, a fish trap, pond, enclosure or storage device that belongs to another person without that person's permission; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-184

To amend Chapter 5 of Title 13 of the Kosrae State Code by addition of a new Section 13.559 prohibiting the practice of the sports surfing on Sundays; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-185

To appropriate the sum of$40,000.00 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the operations of the four Municipal Governments in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-186

To amend Chapter 5 of the Title 13 of the Kosrae State Code by adding a new Section 13.560 to prohibit the use of betel nut in or within fifty feet of the entrance to Government or Agency Offices; and to prohibit the spitting of betel nut on any public property; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-187

To amend Chapter 12 of Title 12 of the Kosrae State Code by the addition of a new Section 12.1205 to improve promote public health for the citizens of Kosrae by providing for one free preventive health screening for citizens of Kosrae per year; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-188

To amend Kosrae State Code, Title 1, Chapter 2, Sections 1.201, by inserting new subsections (64) and (65) to define the terms "residence" and "resident", to renumber the current subsections (64) to (84) as subsections (66) to (86); and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-189

To amend Title 19 of the Kosrae State Code by the addition of a new Chapter 8 entitled Mangrove, Upland, Wetland and Watershed Forests; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-190

To provide for the early closure of the Kosrae High School for the 2008 - 2009 school year; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-191

To further amend State Law No. 9-74, as amended by State Law No. 9-80, 9-82, 9-87 and9-92, at Section 1, Section 2(1)(c), Section 4(c), Section 5, and Section 6(c), to include representation funds for the three branches of the State Government for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2009; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-192

To repeal Chapter 14 of Title 7 of the Kosrae State Code; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-193

To amend the Kosrae State Code at Sections 13.301; 13.302; and 13.303 to provide for mandatory minimum penalties where the victim of a violation of those section is in a parental relationship with the offender; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-194

To appropriate the sum of Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000.00) from the Loan Guarantee Escrow Account for the purpose of funding improvements to the office facilities of the Department of Resources and Economic Affairs; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-195

To amend Section 11.411 of the Kosrae State Code to require the automatic transfer of funds in excess of required amounts be transferred to the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury on a quarterly basis; to amend the identity of the beneficiary and trustee to reflect the current identities of those parties; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-196

To repeal Section 10.205(1)(g) of the Kosrae State Code to eliminate the Health Care Fund; and to renumber the subsequent subsections of Section 10.205(1) to reflect the repeal of subsection (g); and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-197

To amend Section 11.105 of the Kosrae State Code to clarify the requirements for leasing of public land; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-198

To amend Chapter 2 of Title 5 of the Kosrae State Code by adding a new Section 5.2081 requiring the Infrastructure Project Implementation Committee to submit a copy of its infrastructure priorities recommendations to the Kosrae State Legislature prior to transmittal to the FSM National Government; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-199

To further amend State Law No. 9-74 as amended by State Law Nos. 9-80, 9-82, 9-87, and 9-92 at Sections 1, Section 2(1), (2), (16), (17), (18) Section 3, Section 4, Section 5, Section 6, Section 9 and Section 10 (1), (2), (6) Section 11, and Section 12(1) and (3), to supplement the operation of the certain departments and agencies of the government for fiscal year ending September 30, 2009; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-200

To amend Section 18.408 of the Kosrae State Code to raise the mandatory age of retirement from the Public Service System to 65 years of age; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-201

To appropriate the sum of $400,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of providing an additional capital contribution to the Pacific Islands Development Bank in the amount of $50,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2009; and to obligate the remaining $350,000 to provide additional capital contributions in such amounts as will total $350,000 before September 30, 2013; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-202

To further amend State Law No 9-74 as amended by State Law Nos. 9-80, 9-82, 8-87, and 9-92 and 9-100 at Section 1,l Section 2(18) Section 9 and Section 10 (2) and Section 11, and Section 12(3), (4), and to insert Subsection (8) and (9), to supplement the operation of the certain departments and agencies of the government for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2009; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-203

To appropriate the sum of $10,139,805 from the Amended Compact Fund; the sum of $1,583,338 from the State Local Revenue Fund; the sum of 9,357,791 from the United State Grant Fund; the sum of $182,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2010 for the purpose of funding the operations of all branches of the Kosrae State Government, its agencies, and various programs; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-204

To appropriate the sum of $10,139,805 from the Amended Compact Fund; the sum of $1,583,338 from the State Local Revenue Fund; the sum of $9,357,791 from the United States Grant Fund; the sum of $182,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the fiscal early ending September 30, 2010,l for the purpose of funding the operations of all branches of the Kosrae State Government, its agencies, and various programs; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-205

To further amend State Law No. 9-74 as amended by State Law Nos. 9-80, 9-82, 9-87, 9-100 and 9-102 at Section 1, Section 2(1), (2), (16), (17), (18), Section 3, Section 4, Section 5, Section 6, Section 9, Section 10(1), l(3),l (6) Section 11 and Section 12(1), (3),l and (7), and to supplement the operation of certain branches, departments and agencies and programs of the government for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2009; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-206

To appropriate the sum of $13,500 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding certain Foreign Assistance funded projects in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-207

To amend Kosrae State Code Title 5, Section 5.201(3) to restructure the Department of Health Services and functions thereof; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-208

To amend Chapter 2 of Title 18 of the Kosrae State Code by adding a new Section 18.203 to maintain the integrity of the Public Service System and to restrict the practice of converting PSS positions to exempt contract positions; and for othher purposes.

L.B. No. 9-209

To amend Title 7, Chapter 4 of the Kosrae State Code to clarify the establishment and administration of the Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority; and to amend Titles 7, 9, 11, 19, and to move the Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) from Title 9, Chapter 23 to Title 19, subchapter C, to consolidate authority of KIRMA under Title 19 of the Kosrae State Code; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-210

To appropriate the sum of $14,000.00 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the 2009 Liberation Day Celebration; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-211

To amend Title 13, Sections 13.302 and 13.303 to provide for increased penalties for a conviction for assault and battery where such an offense had taken place on the premises of any school or within 100 feet of the entrance to any school; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-212

To appropriate the sum of $30,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the operation of the Kosrae Office of Micronesian Legal Services Corporation for fiscal year 2009; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-213

To amend Title 11, Section 11.615, of the Kosrae State Code by inserting a new subsection j(5) to require the seller of real property to obtain a Certificate of Title identifying the current owners and sellers of the property, and to provide a copy of the buyers(s), before completing the sale of the real property; to require buyers to obtain a new Certificate of Title after the sale and the sellers to give notice of the sale to the Department of Administration and Finance; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-214

To amend Section 7.1403 of the Kosrae State Code to require the Board of SEMO-Micronesia Inc. to provide an annual report on the affairs of SEMO-Micronesia, Inc. to the Office of the Governor and the Kosrae State Legislature within 60 days after the end of each fiscal year; and when requested by the Governor or the Legislature, present special reports within 30 days after the end of each intervening quarter.

L.B. No. 9-215

To amend Section 7.804, subsection 1(g) of the Kosrae State Code to require the Health Advisory Board to provide a monthly report to the Governor and the Peaker on the progress made by the Department of Health Services in meeting the goals enumerated in this section.

L.B. No. 9-216

To amend Title 17, section 17.305 of the Kosrae state Code to require a medical examination for operators of vehicles specified in Section 17.302 subsections (c), (d), & (e) of the Kosrae State Code; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-217

To amend Title 13 of the Kosrae State Code by adding a new Section 13.559 to Chapter 5 to prohibit the sale of turkey tails in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-218

To appropriate the sum of $1,855.00 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the 2009 Kosrae Senior Citizen's Day and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-219

To amend S.L. 9-74, at Section 16, to reflect the extension by the United States Office of Insular Affairs of the lapse date of certain sector grants funded in the 2009 Fiscal Year until March 31, 2010; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-220

To appropriate the sum of $235, 368 from the Local Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the payment of the debts of the former Micronesia Petroleum Corporation; for the payment of the electric utility bill of the office space accepted from the lease agreement with the Kosrae Stevedoring Company; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-221

To amend State Law No. 9-113 at Section 13 and Section 16, to modify languages requiring reporting for disbursement of funds and the languages limiting the PSS position classification plan from changing status from permanent or limited term positions to contract positions; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-222

To appropriate the sum of $50,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of providing additional State capital contribution to the Pacific Island Development Bank (PIDB); and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-223

To amend State Law No. 9-99, at Section 2 and Section 3, to supplement funding for the improvements to the office facilities of the Department of Resources and Economic Affairs and to expend the lapse date to September 30, 2010; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-224

To further amend State Law No. 9-113 as amended, at Sections 5 and Section 6 to supplement the operation of the Kosrae State Court; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-225

To amend Title 7, Section 7.112 of the Kosrae State Code to clarify the period an appointed agency governing body member may continue to exercise the duties and obligations of the appointment; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-226

To amend Title 15, Section 15.411 of the Kosrae State code to allow State authorized notaries to charge fees on behalf of the State for notary services when such services are rendered during working hours; and for other purposes

L.B. No. 9-227

To amend State Law No. 9-113 at Section 2(15), to supplement the operation of the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-228

To appropriate the sum of $48,222 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the Equipment for the Landfill project under the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure of the Kosrae State Government; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-229

To appropriate the sum of $75,000 from the Local Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide supplemental funding for the Private Sector Development Projects proposed by the Department of Resources and Economic Affairs for the 2010 Fiscal year; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-230

To amend Chapter 13 of Title 3, Section 13.301(1) of the Kosrae State Code to increase the time required for a petition nominating a candidate for election to be filed from forty-five to sixty days before an election; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-231

To amend Chapter 2 of Title 9 of the Kosrae State Code by inserting a new Section 9.203 that will deem certain quantities of alcoholic drinks as being for sale and not for private consumption; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-232

To appropriate the sum $2,760 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the Kosrae Local Close Up Program in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-233

To appropriate the sum up to $1,000,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of providing funding for the Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change Project in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-234

To appropriate the sum $45,946,.06 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury Fund for the purpose of funding the State General Election of 2010; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-235

To amend Title 9, Section 9.2102, of the Kosrae State Code to require an additional ten dollars for the airport utilization fee from non FSM citizens' and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-236

To amend Title 9, Section 9.202, of the Kosrae State Code, by adding a new subsection 15 and to renumber the current subsection 15 as subsection 16; to impose a sales tax on bottled water manufactured outside of Kosrae of ten cents per half liter; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-237

To amend Section 12.1103 of Title 12 of the Kosrae State Code by inserting a new subsections 1 and 2, to provide that medical health screenings and vaccination programs shall be free for all students enrolled in a secondary or elementary school and for all children who heavy not reached school age; and that dental check ups and necessary non cosmetic dental treatments shall be for all students enrolled in a secondary or elementary school and for all children who have not reached school age; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-238

To amend subsection (7) of Section 18.608 of the Kosrae State Code to allow for the monetary compensation for unused annual leave for certain employees; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-239

To amend Title 12 of the Kosrae State Code by adding a new Chapter 10 to provide for hearing screening and intervention for newborn babies; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-240

To further amend S.L. 9-113, as amended, by amending Section 15 to exempt programs that are directly funded by U.S. federal funds from the effects of section 15; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-241

To amend Title 9, Section 9.2102, of the Kosrae State Code to require an additional five dollars for the airport utilization fee from non-residents of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-242

To appropriate the sum of $3,000 from the State Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the cost of one student from Kosrae attending the School of Law in Vanuatu; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-243

To amend Title 6 of the Kosrae State Code by the addition of a new Chapter 52 providing for mandatory registration and supervision of persons who have been convicted of a criminal offense and deported from a foreign jurisdiction to Kosrae; and for other puproses.

L.B. No. 9-244

To appropriate the sum of $10,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding public road maintenance from Utwe to Walung;; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-245

To amend Part II of Title 3 of the Kosrae State Code to eliminate Special Polling Places outside of the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-246

To amend Title 3, at Section 3.1301 of the Kosrae State Code to increase the non-refundable fee imposed on a candidate for inclusion of petition in an election; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-247

T repeal State Laws 9-25 and 9-26 to affect the reinstatement of the 5% pay cut imposed upon government employees; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-248

To reinstate the requirement of possessing a valid drinking permit in order to purchase or consume alcohol beverages; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-249

To further amend State Law No. 9-113, as amended on State Law No. 9-128, at section 1, 2(1), 2(15), 2(16), 2(17); 3, 4, 5, 6, 9; 10(1), 10(2), 10(6), 11; 12(1), 12(5), 12(6); to provide supplemental funding for the operations of ceratin governmental functions; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-250

To amend the Kosrae State Code by adding a new Chapter 16 in Title 12 to regulate and prohibit smoking in enclosed public spaces in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-251

To amend Title 13, of the Kosrae State Code at Section 3.1301(1) to specify the tie limits for the nomination of candidates for a Special Election; and at Section 3.1302 to change the number of days before an election that a candidate may withdraw without being financially responsible for the cost of reprinting or striking the ballots; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-252

To appropriate the sum of $10,097,070 from the United States Grant Fund; the sum of $2,029,544 from the Local Revenue Fund; the sum of $1,247,726 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2011, for the purpose of funding the operation of all branches of the Kosrae State Government, its agencies, and various programs; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-253

To amend Title 7, Sections 7.901, 7.902 and 7.903 to abolish the Kosrae State Sports Council to transfer its powers and duties to the Kosrae State Department of Education; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-254

To appropriate the sum of $10,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund off the Kosrae State Treasury to fund the operation of the four municipalities in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-255

To appropriate the sum of $30,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the participation of the Kosrae Team in the Micronesian Games in Palau; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-256

To appropriate the sum of $40,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the Kosrae State General election to be held in November 2010; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-257

To amend State Law No. 9-63, to further amend Title 10, Section 10.205 (1) of the Kosrae State Code; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-258

To amend Section 13.509 of the Kosrae State Code by adding a new subsection (1) that would deem the playing of excessively loud music while parked or operating a motor vehicle to be a public nuisance; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-259

To amend State Law 8-157, at Section 1, to appropriate an additional sum of $71,770 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of supplementing the funding of the Mutual Self-Help Program; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-260

To appropriate the sum of $10,000 from the Kosrae State Revenue Fund to fund the 2010 Liberation Day activities of t4he four municipalities in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-261

To appropriate the sum of $50,000 from the Kosrae State Revenue Fund to provide a short-term, interest-free loan to the entity known as Tropical Waters Kosrae, Inc., for the public purpose of protecting the State's IDF investment in this venture; and  for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-262

To appropriate the sum of $38,000 from the Foreign Assistance Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of providing additional State capital contribution to the Pacific Island Development Bank (PIDB); and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-263

To amend Title 7, Section 7.701 and 7.702(3) of the Kosrae State Code to change the composition and method of selection of Board Members of the Education Advisory Board; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-264

To appropriate $8,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury, in addition to State Law No. 9-126 and State Law No. 9-133, to fund the Kosrae State General Election to be held on November 2010; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-265

To appropriate the sum of $3,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding Tafunsak, Malem, and Utwe Municipal elections slated for November 2, 2010; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-266

To appropriate the sum of $1,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the Lelu Senior Citizens projects; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-267

To amend Title 19 of the Kosrae State Code by establishing a new Chapter 8 to provide oversight and enforcement authority to KIRMA over hazardous waste and other pollution; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-268

To insert a new Chapter 9 in Title 19 of the Kosrae State Code entitled the State Drinking Water Act of 2010; for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-269

To amend Title 19 of the Kosrae State Code by inserting a new Chapter 8 entitled "Terrestrial and Marine Protected Areas"; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-270

To consolidate the authority of KIRMA under Title 19 of the Kosrae State Code by amending Titles 7, 9, 11, and 19 of the Kosrae State Code, and by repealing certain parts of the Code; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-271

To amend State Law No. 9-143 at Section 4(d); to supplement the operations of the Legislature; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-272

To appropriate  the sum of $5,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund export services of the Kosrae Farmers Export for fiscal year 2011; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-273

To appropriate the sum of $5,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of  funding two participants of the Kosrae delegation to the Guam Micronesian Island Fair to be held on October 14 - 17, 2010; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-274

To appropriate the sum of $69,000 from the Local Revenue Find of the Kosrae State Treasury for the purpose of funding the Micronesia Petroleum Corporation Loan Repayment Program for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2010; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-275

To appropriate the sum of $10,000 from the Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to fund 2011 Inauguration of the newly elected Governor, Lieutenant Governor and the members of the Tenth Kosrae State Legislature; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-276

To amend various provisions of the Kosrae State Code to correct non-substantive typographical, spelling, grammatical errors; and amend confusing language used in certain places in the Code; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-277

To appropriate the sum of $4,000 from the State Revenue Fund of the Kosrae State Treasury to provide funding for the Special Elections to be held in Utwe, Lelu and Malem Municipal Governments in the State of Kosrae; and for other purposes.

L.B. No. 9-278

To amend Title 11 of the Kosrae State Code by inserting a new Chapter 18 entitled "Terrestrial and Marine Protected Areas"; and for other purposes.


Working Hours


Monday ----------------- 8:00 a.m -- 3:00 p.m


Tuesday ----------------- 8:00 a.m -- 3:00 p.m


Wednesday ------------ 8:00 a.m -- 3:00 p.m


Thursday --------------- 8:00 a.m -- 3:00 p.m


Friday ------------------- 8:00 a.m -- 2:30 p.m

Kosrae State Legislature
P.O Box 187
Tofol Kosrae FM 96944
Tel #: (691)370-3019

©2021-2025 by Kosrae State Legislature. All Rights Reserved.

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